School Of Languages


B.A. English

  • PO 1: To Comprehend the various forms of literature like prose, poetry, drama and fiction
  • PO 2: To Apprehend the different cultures and cultural sensibilities around the world
  • PO 3: To Develop the knowledge of grammatical system of English language.
  • PO 4: To know the Perspectives of literary movements that existed in different ages.
  • PO 5: To enrich and develop four language skills LSRW among the students

Student Accomplishments

Kendhar of B.A. English Written and published a series of poems in the anthology titled “In our hearts”. Written an article about depression and stress management named “Hate for Love” in the anthology titled “Light it up” published by FanatiXx publication.

Nivetha and Sushmitha of III Year BA English presented a paper in the national e-conference organised by the Department of English at Sri S Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College Sattur, Tamil Nadu in association with Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi.

Radha Vedhasri of III Year B.A. English has written and published a blog titled “My travel wish list” in

School Of Languages

Language is an integral part of human life. It plays a vital role in the learning process and knowledge enhancement of students. The School of Languages of Guru Nanak College was established in the year 2019 to ensure that the students of the college are adequately prepared to meet the ever-changing needs of today’s fast-paced world.

The School is an overarching organization that facilitates conversation within all language departments, and healthy dialogue between the Language and the Major Departments. It co-ordinates time tables, lesson plans, syllabi and continuous internal assessments. The School offers compulsory courses of Part I – Languages and Part II – Foundation English, alongside Non-Major Elective Courses, Soft Skills Courses and Inter Disciplinary Courses in developing language skills.

The School of Languages gives abundant opportunities for students to hone their communication skills and develop their personality. It believes in the policy of PIMI - Plan, Implement, Monitor, and Improve – in all aspects of Higher Education Management (i.e., curriculum design, teaching- learning and evaluation process, research innovations, and student support and progression).

The School of Languages has a team of highly qualified language trainers. Of its forty-three members, twenty-one are Ph.D. holders, three are research supervisors, thirty-seven are SET/NET qualified and some have additional degrees in higher education, journalism, linguistics. They extend their services to the college and other institutions as members of research advisory committees, research co-ordination committees, M.Phil. and Ph.D. public viva voce examiners, question paper setters, additional and chief examiners, supervisors for university valuations, members of board of studies, editors and editorial board members, external auditors, inspection commission members, scrutiny committees etc. They hold membership in professional bodies such as ELTAI and publish articles in renowned peer reviewed journals. They act as resource persons and moderators in various programs of All India Radio, Doordarshan, and various news and entertainment channels. International and national conferences, FDPs, seminars, workshops and quizzes are regularly organized by the departments. School faculty also participate in various non-academic activities inside and outside the institution. They are members of various college committees, extension activities, and hold key positions in the college administration.

All departments under the umbrella of School of Languages have prepared their own syllabus and textbooks after the college was granted autonomy in 2015. They have also set up department associations that serve to encourage and instil leadership qualities in students. These associations organise competitions and cultural events in diverse media including music (vocal and instrumental), dance (classical, folk, western and fusion), and theatre (mime, stage play, street play, puppetry, magic shows etc.) at inter-collegiate and inter-departmental levels. They act as knowledge and information sharing platforms for the students. Students showcase their talents under the banner of Talent Hunt on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in the Assembly Square. All Language Departments enthusiastically participate in the college assembly on Mondays. Guru Shiksha, the annual inter-school and inter-collegiate fete on the teaching of Sikh gurus includes competitions that test the oratory and literary skills of students in three languages - Tamil, English and Hindi. Gurutsav and Kavya Madhuri, are other inter-collegiate competitions hosted by departments in the School of Languages.

The School of Languages provides world class infrastructure to its students such as smart classrooms, language labs, ICT tools, separate departmental libraries, audio-visual aids, notice board displays etc

Department of Tamil

Courses Offered

  • Part I as Foundation Course for B.A., B. Sc., and B. Com.
  • Non-Major Electives - Basic Tamil I & II for non-Tamil students
  • Advanced Tamil I & II for students who studied Tamil as a first language till S.S.L.C.
  • Ph.D., Part Time (affiliated to the University of Madras)

Department Highlights

  • Supervises the Tamil Literary Association - Tamil Mandram – which trains students to effectively communicate in Tamil
  • Organises weekly Padaiparangam – a forum that gives students the opportunity to express their creativity through the language
  • Hosts a web page and a YouTube channel
  • Arranges interdisciplinary lectures in all fields of knowledge.
  • Screens documentaries and short films with biographical, historical and cultural themes every month
  • Publishes the Students’ Tamil Literary Magazines - Nam Yedu and Neela Vizhikal - every year
  • Trains students for TNPSC, UPSC and TRB examinations
  • Reviewed the 900-page A-Z Word to Picture Bilingual Dictionary for Government Primary Schools under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Scheme

Department of English

Courses Offered

  • Part II as Foundation Course compulsory for B.A., B. Sc., and B. Com.
  • Soft Skills to all UG and PG Students
  • Ph.D., Part Time (affiliated to the University of Madras)
  • Yearly bridge courses for all freshers

Department Highlights

  • Uses the English Language Lab and Smart Class to effectively improve student communication skills
  • Oversees the English Literary Association which organises all department events
  • Conducts UGC-sponsored remedial classes and ‘Entry into Services’ programmes
  • Trains students for EBEK (Excellence in Business English Knowledge)
  • Reviewed the 900-page A-Z Word to Picture Bilingual Dictionary for Government Primary Schools under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Scheme
  • Authored books for the Tamil Nadu Open University, Institute of Distance Education (UNOM)
  • Published a minor project on "Ideology of Mahatma Gandhi in Modern Tamil Novels" sponsored by Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore
  • Remedial coaching for slow learners

Department of Hindi

Courses Offered

  • Part I as Foundation Course for B.A., B. Sc., and B. Com.
  • Non-Major Electives – Basic Hindi I & II for non-Hindi students
  • Inter Disciplinary Elective- Hindi Communication: Oral & Written

Department Highlights

  • Maintains Oos Ek Boond – the department association that plans and executes yearly activities
  • Celebrates Hindi Day with various competitions and games for non-Hindi students and faculty members of GNC
  • Organises Swagat, a yearly program conducted by seniors to welcome freshers to GNC
  • Holds Parichay, an annual Hindi learning camp for non-Hindi students to learn spoken and written Hindi
  • Enhances the Hindi vocabulary of its student through Pathashala in which every working day, a new Hindi word is taught through transliteration and translation
  • Educates students and enriches their knowledge on the heritage and traditions of Hindi literature through Sahitya Darohar - a monthly program
  • Encourages critical reading of Hindi literature through the literary club, Katha Samwad which works as an open forum where contemporary stories are shared and discussed every month
  • Holds FDPs on spoken Hindi for the faculty of GNC

Department of Sanskrit

Course Offered

  • Part I as Foundation Course for B.A., B. Sc., and B. Com.

Department Highlights

  • Conducts the Spoken Sanskrit Program which teaches participants to speak and understand basic Sanskrit
  • Organised a five-day international webinar on the topic "Insights from Sanskrit Literature"
  • Conducted an international online quiz on the Ramayana with 4300 participants
  • Trains students in Sanskrit scriptures, helping them to win in various recitation competitions

Department of French

Course Offered

  • Part I as Foundation Course for B.A., B. Sc., and B, Com.,

Department Highlights

  • Supervises the department association - Fête des Français
  • Introduces students to French language and culture, and improves their critical and analytical thinking through oral tests, presentations, theatre practice, group discussions and mock dialogues
  • Encourages cross-year dialogue by having second year students conduct classes for their juniors during their biannual oral test
  • Opens doors for higher education in foreign countries and enhances their skills leading to better career prospects

Student Achievements

  • Ms. Bhagyashree and Mr. Arun Sarada Raman from Department of B.A. English cleared the DELF exam.


Dr. L.R.S. Kalanithi
M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., PGCTE, DYDW, Ph.D.



To provide necessary language skillsets to students, to improve their career prospects, and transform them into noble citizens by imparting universal values through the vast classic literatures of Tamil, Hindi, Sanskrit, English and French.


  1. To enhance the reading comprehension and literary skills of students in various languages with a focus on practical application.
  2. To ensure that students understand the importance of both life skills and soft skills in their personality development.
  3. To prepare industry-ready graduates whose education gives them an edge in today’s highly competitive and challenging world.
  4. To instil in them the values of social responsibility and moral uprightness that will make them valuable citizens of the nation.

Gurushiksha 2024


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Poster Making:

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The Four Sahibzadas English:

PDF File


  • Foundation Tamil
  • Foundation English
  • Foundation Hindi
  • Foundation Sanskrit
  • Foundation French
  • B.A. English

Association Activities/ Competitions

Happy Hearts And Joyful Souls On A New Year Ride

The English Literary Association of the programme of English (SFS) hosted Christmas Celebration and New Year Celebrations for students on December 24,30 and 31. On the first day, the team surprised the students and staff by singing songs wishing for Christmas and New Year. Fun games and quizzes were also conducted to entertain the audience. On the second day, three competitions, namely a Debate, an Essay Writing and Connections on English Literature and Language Skills were conducted. Students from various departments actively participated in the competitions. On the final day, the Office Bearers performed the flash mob wherein, the students and the teachers were asked fun questions about New Year Resolutions.

5-day PDP on ‘From Manuscript to Masterpiece: Strategies for Successful Publications’

The School of Languages, English Wing (SFS) in association with Guru Nanak Centre for Research conducted a five-day PDP on ‘From Manuscript to Masterpiece: Strategies for Successful Publications’, from October 14 to 22.

Inauguration of the English Association

The inauguration of the English Association was held on September 18. The chief guest for the event was Dr Kavitha, Deputy Dean of Guru Nanak Centre for Skill Development, Assistant Professor & Research Supervisor, Department of PG & Research Programme of Commerce.


The Tamil wing (GAS), Tamil Mandram, conducted the Tamil Association MuruguThamizh vizha on 09.09.2024. Thiru Lenin Bharathi, writer & Film director was the Chief Guest . The winners of Mahakavi Bharathiyar Niniavunaal Poetry Competition were announced and badges were presented to the office bearers of the Tamil Association.

English Literary Association of the Programme of English

English Literary Association of the Programme of English (SFS) organised a special event titled Appreciation Affair on September 5 to honour teachers on their special day. The students and the alumni were invited to write letters and notes expressing their gratitude which was later delivered to the teachers.

Writer’s Club - Quill

The BA English Programme SFS 1 had turned a new leaf by inaugurating its Writer's Club - Quill on August 14, 2024. It is a formative event for the academic year 2024-2025. This episode included formal acclamation to the dignitaries, students' live topical performances, investiture of the student office bearers and keynote speeches of the personages.

SWAGAT - 2024

Hindi wing, under the department association ‘Os Ek Boond’, welcomed the first-year students on July 30. The programme Swagat (‘Welcome’) is a fun-filled ice breaking session for seniors and juniors. This programme also marked the association’s inauguration.

Tamil Pan - 2024

The Department of Tamil (SFS) organised the inauguration of its association on August 16, 2024. Film Director Mr Paari Ilavazhagan was the chief guest. He delivered an interactive speech on Tamil Culture and Film Language.

Painthamizh padaipparangam

Date: August 9, 2023

Wing: Tamil (Shift I)

Resource Person: Mr A. Muthukrishnan, Tamil Film Lyricist

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 225

Thamizhamudhu – Tamil Association Inaugural function

Date: August 1, 2023

Wing: Tamil (Shift II)

Resource Person: Sy. Gowthamraj, Film Director

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 191

SWAGAT-23 for the freshers

Date: July 31, 2023

Wing: Hindi (Shift II)

Chief Guest: Dr. Swati Paliwal, Head of GCCOI, Co-ordinator of IQSC and Head of Hindi wing

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 81

English Literary Association Inaugural 2023-2024

Date: July 25, 2023

Wing: Foundation English (Shift II)

Resource Person: Ms. Melisha Robinson, Academic Lead young Learners, British Council, India

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 78

SWAGAT – Department Inauguration

Date: July 7, 2023

Wing: Hindi (Shift I)

Resource Person: Dr. M.G.Ragunathan, Principal, Guru Nanak College
Dr. Savithri, Vice Principal (SFS-I), Guru Nanak College

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 51

English Literary Association (ELA) - Valedictory Ceremony

Date: April 1, 2023

Wing: Foundation English (Shift II)

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 60

Art and Literature competition - Tamil Kalai Ilakkiya Pottigal

Wing: Tamil (Shift II)

Date: March 28, 2023

Resource Person: Dr. Anitha Malisetty, Vice-principal (SFS-II), Guru Nanak College

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 84

Distribution of Certificates to the winners.

The Vice-principal (SFS-II) addressed the gathering.

Students performed a Folk Dance.

The Resource Person, Dr. Anitha Malisetty, Vice-principal (SFS-II) was felicitated by Mr. M. Senthilkumar Associate Professor, Tamil Wing.

Muthamizh Vizha - Department Association Valedictory

Wing: Tamil (Shift I)

Date: March 27, 2023

Resource Person: Mr. A. Pa. Rasa, Tamil Film Lyricist

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 220

The Resource Person distributed the certificates to the prize winners.

The Resource Person Mr. A. Pa. Rasa, Tamil Film Lyricist shared his experience on writing Tamil song lyrics.

Cultural Performance by Tamil Association Students.

Department Association valedictory

Wing: Foundation English (Shift I)

Date: April 18, 2023

Chief Guest: Dr. M.G. Ragunathan, Principal, Guru Nanak College

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 44

The Chief Guest Dr. M.G. Ragunathan, Principal, Guru Nanak College delivered an inspiring and motivational speech to the Students.

The Chief Guest distributed the prizes and certificates to the winners.

The Chief Guest with the Vice Principal (SFS I), Department faculties and the prize winners.

Muthamizh Vizha - Department Association Valedictory

Wing: Tamil (Shift I)

Date: March 27, 2023

Resource Person: Mr. A. Pa. Rasa, Tamil Film Lyricist

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 220

The Resource Person distributed the certificates to the prize winners.

The Resource Person Mr. A. Pa. Rasa, Tamil Film Lyricist shared his experience on writing Tamil song lyrics.

Cultural Performance by Tamil Association Students.

Art and Literature competition - Tamil Kalai Ilakkiya Pottigal

Wing: Tamil (Shift II)

Date: March 28, 2023

Resource Person: Dr. Anitha Malisetty, Vice-principal (SFS-II), Guru Nanak College

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 84

Distribution of Certificates to the winners.

The Vice-principal (SFS-II) addressed the gathering.

Students performed a Folk Dance.

The Resource Person, Dr. Anitha Malisetty, Vice-principal (SFS-II) was felicitated by Mr. M. Senthilkumar Associate Professor, Tamil Wing.

English Literary Association (ELA) - Valedictory Ceremony

Wing: Foundation English (Shift II)

Date: April 1, 2023

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 60

Office Bearers of ELA with the Vice Principal and Faculty of the English wing.

Dr. Anitha Malisetty, Vice Principal (SFS – II) addressed the gathering.

The ELA Office Bearers received their awards from the Vice Principal (SFS II).

The Judges of the Intracollegiate competitions were honoured by the Vice Principal (SFS II).

Traditional food festival

Wing: Tamil (Shift I)

Date: March 20, 2023

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 161

The Students explored all the food festival stalls.

The Volunteers serving the unique traditional cuisine of Tamilnadu.

Non-Teaching staff were invited to the food fest and served with the deliciously and healthy cultural foods.

Lingua Auctarium - The Dynamics of Professional Communication

Wing: Foundation English (Shift II)

Date: January 30 - February 3, 2023

Resource Person: Dr. Indra Balini, Assistant Professor & Head, Foundation English (Shift II)
Ms. Pon Ganthimathi, Assistant Professor, Foundation English (Shift II)
Ms. Jocelyn Treesa Jose, Assistant Professor, Foundation English (Shift II)
Ms. Annes Fathima Banu M.Z., Assistant Professor, Foundation English (Shift II)
Dr. L.R.S. Kalanithi, Associate Professor, Foundation English, Shift I

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 32

In-house Resource Persons of the five-day Faculty Development Programme

The Resource Person Dr. L.R.S. Kalanithi, Associate Professor dealt with various aspects associated with public speaking including, body language, tone, audience control and confidence.

The Resource Person Ms. Jocelyn Treesa Jose, Assistant Professor focused on common errors in prepositional, adjective and article

The faculty participation in the writing activity

Winners of the activities receiving gifts on various days.

Chennai Literary festival 2023

Wing: Tamil (Shift II)

Date: January 5, 2023

Resource Person: Dr. S. Muthukanthan, Assistant professor, Department of Tamil, Madras Christian College, Chennai

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 140

Dr. M. Murthi, HoD of Tamil delivering the welcome address for the event

Dr. Avaikothai, Principal in-charge delivering the inaugural address for the event

Dr Jeyaraman, HOD, Tamil (Shift II) Felicitated the Chief Guest Dr. S.Muthukanthan, Assistant professor, Department of Tamil, Madras Christian College, Chennai

The Chief Guest Dr. S. Muthukanthan, Assistant professor, Department of Tamil, Madras Christian College, Chennai addressing to the participants of the programme

Group Photo of students from Lady Willingdon institute of advanced study in Education participated in the event.

Tamilians Traditional Food Carnival

Wing: Tamil (Shift II)

Date: November 24, 2022

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 59

The Principal Dr. M.G. Ragunathan Inaugurating the Tamilians Traditional Food carnival held in the Guru Nanak College Campus.

The Principal Dr M.G. Ragunathan, interacting with the student participants during the food carnival.

Dr. N.C Rajashree, Vice principal, Shift II appreciates the Students participants.

Group Photo of Principal Dr. M.G. Ragunathan, Vice principal Dr. N.C Rajashree, Shift II with the Department Faculties and the student participants.

Hindi Diwas

Date: September 15, 2022

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 129
Wing: Hindi (Shift I)

Hindi Diwas Celebration – Inauguration by Dr. N. C. Rajashree, Vice Principal - Shift II

Dr. M Gopi, Head of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology playing Maatra Mahabhara

Teaching and Non-teaching Staffs participants

Student participants

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (75th Year of Indian Independence) - Elocution and Essay Writing Competitions in Collaboration with Vivekananda Cultural Centre

Date: August 12, 2022

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 25
Wing:Foundation English-Shift II

Foundation English Wing of Shift II conducted the Interdepartmental English Elocution and Essay Writing Competitions in collaboration with Vivekananda Cultural Centre (A Unit of Sri Ramakrishna Math), Chennai

Students showcased their creative writing and speaking skills through interdepartmental English elocution and essay writing competitions.

Winners were awarded certificates, prizes, and mementos at the Vivekananda Cultural Centre-Chennai (A Unit of Sri Ramakrishna Math)

Winners with the Principal, Vice Principal, Dean of Languages, HOD-English Wing, and Staff Coordinators

Suthanthirathin Theen Thiruvizha-2022

Date: August 11, 2022

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 28
Programme: Tamil - Shift I

The Inter-Departmental Competitions of Tamil Mandram were conducted based on the themes of national leaders, human futurism, identity, global peace, and national integrity.

Oratorical Competition – Focused on the unsung heroes of the independence struggle

Association Activities 2021-22

Association Valedictory

Date: March 19, 2022

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 86

Chief Guest: Dr. K. Namasivayam, Associate Professor and Head - Physics, Guru Nanak College
Wing: English (Shift I)

Felicitation to the Resource person Dr. K. Namasivayam Head - Physics by Mr. Kumaran Head, English Wing (Shift I).

Felicitation to the Resource person Ms. Keerthana Venkatesh, Journalist-turned-Marketer by Dr. L. R. S. Kalanithi, Associate Professor of English (Shift I)

Staff members with the Resource persons at the Valedictory function

Distribution of Prizes to the winners

Distribution of Prizes to the winners

Distribution of Prizes to the winners

English Literary Association (ELA 2022)

Date:April 1, 2022
Department:Foundation English – Shift II
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:418

Inauguration of the English Association

Date:March 18, 2022
Department:The English Association of the Department of English (Shift I)
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:60

SWAGAT – Department Inauguration

Date:March 3, 2022
Department:‘Oos Ek Boond’ - Association of the Hindi Department
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:87

Interdepartmental Competitions in Commemoration of Golden Jubilee Year

Date:March 18, 2022
Department:The Department of Foundation English (Shift I)
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:175

Ponvizha Aandu Pottigal (2021-2022)

Date:March 16 & 17, 2022
Department:The Department of Tamil
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:167

Seminars/ Conferences/Symposium

August 23 marked the long-anticipated celebration of Kavya Madhurir

August 23 marked the long-anticipated celebration of Kavya Madhuri, an event organised by the students of the Hindi department. The festivities brought together participants from various colleges to honour the art of poetry and inspire the inner poet within each student. The event was graced by the presence of two distinguished guests, Dr Sunita Jajodia, Associate Professor and Head, Hindi, Women’s Christian College and Dr Vijay Raghavan, a prominent editor from the Rajasthan Patrika daily newspaper, and several esteemed faculty members.

CINEMASCOPE: Students’ Short Film Exhibition & Seminar

The three-day Students’ Short Film Exhibition & Seminar: CINEMASCOPE, conducted by the programme of English (SFS), commenced on 4th January. The Chief Guest and the speaker of the day, Ms. Preetha Rewins, English Assessment Specialist, IDP Education India, IB & Cambridge, gave a detailed lecture on Film Studies- the various genres, filmmaking styles and techniques as well as a brief history of films.

Bleu, Blanc, Rouge – Égalité, Liberté, Fraternité

Date: July 14, 2023

Wing: French

Resource Person: Dr. Debjani Banerjee, Assistant Professor in French, Loyola College

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 158

Seminars/ Conferences/Symposium 2022-23

Seminar on “La Francophonie: cinq continents, une langue”

Date: March 27, 2023

Resource Person: Dr. Debjani Banerjee, Assistant Professor, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 101
Wing: French

The Resource Person, Dr. Debjani Banerjee, Assistant Professor, SRM was felicitated by Ms. Abhiramee, Head, French wing.

The Resource Person explained about the importance of France Culture & French language.

Higher Education and Career opportunities in France

Date: November 9, 2022

Chief Guest: Mr. Ajit Kumar R, Manager of Campus France, TN & Pondicherry at Embassy of France in India

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 102
Wing: French

Dr Swati Paliwal presented a Momento to the resource person, Mr. Ajit Kumar R, Manager of Campus France, TN & Pondicherry at Embassy of France in India

The Resource Person Mr. Ajit Kumar R, explaining about the variety of courses available in France for Indian students.

The Resource Person Mr. Ajit Kumar R, Manager of Campus France, TN & Pondicherry at Embassy of France in India giving badges to the office bearers

The Resource Person Mr. Ajit Kumar R, Manager of Campus France, TN & Pondicherry at Embassy of France in India with Dr Swati Paliwal, Dean Languages, faculties and the office bearers

The Resource Person, Mr. Ajit Kumar R, Manager of Campus France, TN & Pondicherry at Embassy of France in India and Principal, Dr. M.G. Ragunathan discussed about signing MoU with France universities and colleges.

Guest Lecture 2022-23

Expectations vs Reality: The New Age Workplace and Students’ Skills

Date: October 27, 2022

Chief Guest: Dr. Bhuvaneswari R, Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences and Languages, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 126
Wing: Foundation English (Shift II)

Dr. V. Usha, Assistant Professor, Foundation English (Shift II) has introduced the Chief Guest, Dr. Bhuvaneswari R, Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences and Languages, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai to the participants of the programme.

Dr. Indra Balini A. Asst. Professor & Head, Foundation English (Shift II) was honouring the Chief Guest, Dr. Bhuvaneswari R, Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences and Languages, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai

The Resource Person, Dr. Bhuvaneswari R, Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences and Languages, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai discussed the importance of Effective Communication through Whispering Gallery - Activity

Students active interaction with the Resource Person of the programme.

The Resource Person, Dr. Bhuvaneswari R, Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences and Languages, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai with the Principal, Department faculties and the office bearers.

Nation Building through Effective Leadership in Collaboration with Vivekananda Cultural Centre

Date: September 12, 2022

Chief Guest: Shri Sharad Vivek Sagar, CEO, The Dexterity Global Group

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 206
Wing: School of Languages

A motivational Guest Lecture - The Speaker Shri Sharad Vivek Sagar, CEO, The Dexterity Global with Vice Principal, Dean-Languages and Faculty members

Honoring the Chief Guest Shri Sharad Vivek Sagar, CEO, The Dexterity Global Group by Dr. N. C. Rajashree, Vice Principal (Shift II)

The Speaker Shri Sharad Vivek Sagar, CEO, of Dexterity Global addressing the Students

Participants in the Guest Lecture

Competitions / Intercollegiate Fest

The Interdepartmental Competition was organized by the French wing

The Interdepartmental Competition was organized by the French wing , on 12/12/24 & 13/12/24. The competition consisted of several events, including : Flameless cooking – French dish , Pictionary , Poster Making , French language quiz & Photography .

Wits and Words’ 24

The Programme of English (SFS) hosted its annual intra-collegiate competition, Wits and Words '24, from August 6 to 8. This year's event featured nine diverse and creative contests including Blackout Poetry, Six-Word Story, Cosplay, Cineholic, Face Painting, Picture Story, Treasure Hunt, Pictionary and Doodling.

Illamthorum Moovarna Kodi - Independence Day Competition 2024

The Department of Tamil, through the Tamil Mandram, conducted Independence day Celebrations and various competitions on the theme Har Ghar Thiranga & Patriotism & National Spirit on the occasion of our 78th Independence day. Various competitions were conducted on August 13 to motivate the youth and create awareness on Freedom Struggle, Freedom fighters, Patriotism & Nationalism.

“Gurutsav – 2024, Inter-college Competition”

“Gurutsav – 2024, Inter-college Competition” was organized on 27 February, 2024 by the Hindi Wing of the School of Languages. Students from 15 colleges in Chennai participated

YuvotsavaH - 2024

The School of Languages, Sanskrit Wing conducted ‘YuvotsavH ‘24, an Inter-collegiate event’ in Association with Samskrita Bharati on 5th February 2024. 3 online events and 3 offline events were conducted. The event garnered 328 participants from more than 20 colleges.

ela_gnc23, the official Instagram page of the English Literary Association (ELA)

ela_gnc23, the official Instagram page of the English Literary Association (ELA) was created to foster a supportive community for the students to engage and express their artistic and literary skills. As part of this initiative, the English Wing (SFS) has conducted a series of events including Poster making, Photography, poetry writing and meme creation, each event designed to cater to different interests, ensuring a wide participation.

Interdepartmental Competitions

Wing: Foundation English (Shift I)

Date: April 3, 2023

Judges: Mr. B. Kumaran, Head, Foundation English (Shift I) Programme
Dr.M. Aneez, Assistant Professor, Foundation English (Shift I) Programme
Ms.P.Anushia, Assistant Professor, Foundation English (Shift I) Programme
Ms.R.S.Diana, Guest Lecturer, Foundation English (Shift I) Programme

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 33

Students Participation in Poster Making.

Participation of students in an Oratorical contest.

Mr. B. Kumaran, Head, Foundation English (Shift I) Programme awarded the prize winners.

Intra Collegiate 2023 – Wits and Words

Date: March 21, 2023

Wing : Foundation English (Shift II)

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:  235

Students participated in Word Association Event.

Participants of Picture Perception and Description.

Participants of Word Puzzle Event.

Student Music Band Performance.

Maperum Tamil Kanavu

Date: March 9, 2023

Wing : Tamil (Shift II)

Chief Guest: Thiru. Abdulla M.P
Thiru. Narthagi Nadarajan, Tamil Nadu state planning commission

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 759

Felicitation of the Chief Guest Thiru. Abdulla M.P. by the Principal Dr. M. G. Ragunathan.

The Principal was felicitated the Chief Guest Thiru. Narthagi Nadarajan, Tamil Nadu State Planning Commission.

Dr. V. Jeyaraman, Associate Professor & Head, Dean- Student Affairs (SFS – I) introduced the Chief Guest.

The Chief Guest Thiru. Narthagi Nadarajan, Tamil Nadu state planning commission delivered the special address to the participants.

The Chief Guests with Principal, Advisor, Vice Principal (SFS-1), COE and Faculty members of the programme.

Anangu 2023

Date: February 27, 2023

Wing : Tamil (Shift I)

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 32

Participants with programme faculty members.

Students competed in a singing competition.

Students participated in Speech Competition.

Kavya Madhuri IV

Date: February 10, 2023

Wing : Hindi (Shift I)

Judges Ms.Neelavati, Hindi Announcer, All India Radio
Dr.Srabani Bhattacharya, HOD, Stella Maris College

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 116

‘Kavya Madhuri IV Intercollegiate Poetry competition - The faculties of Hindi wing with the Judges Ms. Neelavati, Hindi Announcer, All India Radio and Dr. Srabani Bhattacharya, HOD, Stella Maris College

Dr. Anita Patil, Assistant Professor, Hindi wing felicitating the Judge Dr. Srabani Bhattacharya, HOD, Stella Maris College

Dr. Guria Choudhary, Head, Hindi wing Shift II interacted with the participants

The Judge Ms. Neelavati, Hindi Announcer, All India Radio distributed the Prizes to the winners

Distribution of Prizes to the winners

Competitions - National Youth Day and Swami Vivekananda’s Birthday

Date: November 10, 2023

Wing : School of Languages

Judges Mr. B Kumaran, HOD, Associate Professor, Foundation English (SFSI)
Dr. A. Indrabalini, HOD, Foundation English (SFS II)
Mrs. R Radhika, Associate Professor, Foundation English (SFS II)
Dr. Dolly Maurya, Assistant Professor, Hindi
Dr. Murthi M, HOD, Tamil
Dr. Sasirekha, Assistant Professor, Tamil

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 26

Students participants in Elocution Competition

Singing competition

Bharatiya Bhasha Utsav Competitions

Date: December 1-6, 2022

Wing :School of Languages

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 88

Students participants during the Poster Making Competition

Students participants during the Spell Bee Competition

Group Photo of Prize winners of the Competitions

The Principal Dr. M.G. Ragunathan and Dr.N.C. Rajashree, Vice Principal -(Shift II) honouring the organising secretaries.

Voter Awareness Singing Competition

Date: November 14, 2022

Wing :Tamil (Shift I)

Judges :Dr.K.Jayaseelan, Assistant Professor, Tamil Department (Shift I)
Mrs. S.Gayathri, Assistant Professor, Tamil Department (Shift I)
Dr.P.Vinayagam Assistant Professor, Tamil Department (Shift I)

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 57

Judges explaining the rules and regulations to the student participants of the Voter Awareness Singing Competition.

Students performing in Singing Competition

Essay Writing Competition - “Corruption free India for a developed Nation”

Date: November 3, 2022

Wing :Foundation English (Shift II

Judges :Prof B. Kumaran, Associate Professor& Head, Department of English (Shift I)
Dr. M.Moorthy, Associate Professor& Head, Department of Tamil (Shift I)
Dr. Indra Balini, Assistant Professor & Head, Department of English (Shift II)
Ms. Joanna Angel, Assistant Professors, Department of English (SFS II)
Ms. Sharan B, Assistant Professors, Department of English (SFS I)

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 71

Essay Writing Competition - The Two Co-ordinators Ms. Joanna Angel, Assistant Professor, Department of English (SFS II) and Ms. Sharan B, Assistant Professor, Department of English (SFS I) monitored the participants.

Participants of the Essay Writing Competition

Essay Writing and Oratorical Competitions on Drug Prohibition & awareness

Date: October 27, 2022

Wing :Tamil (Shift I)

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 39

Prize winners of Competitions on drugs-prohibition awareness-essay writing and oratorical

Students actively participating in Oratorical Competition

Students actively participating in Oratorical Competition

The Principal Dr. M.G. Ragunathan appreciated the prize winners and distributed the Prizes

Competitions / Intercollegiate Fest

Intercollegiate Festival on GURUTSAV - 22

Date: May 30, 2022

Wing : Hindi (Shift -I)

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 72

Mr. CS Ramaseshan P.R, Chartered Accountant, Senior Manager, Finance and Accounts, Accenture was the Chief Guest of the Programme.

The Chief Guest Mr. CS Ramaseshan P.R, delivered his talk on the Career guidance on how to become a successful Chartered Accountancy.

The Chief Guest Mr. CS Ramaseshan P.R, delivered his talk on the Career guidance on how to become a successful Chartered Accountancy.

YPL Season1 (Yoga Puzzle League)

Date: May 19, 2022

Wing : Foundation English (Shift II)

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 100

Student Participation in the Yoga Puzzle (YPL - Season I)

Kavya Madhuri - III

Date:March 26, 2022
Department:Department of Hindi
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:76

Outreach Programmes

Bharatiya Bhasha Diwas

As per the UGC guidelines, Subramania Bharati Jayanti, which is celebrated on December 11th, is also observed as Bharatiya Bhasha Diwas. Having celebrated this event for two consecutive years, this year, the School of Languages made it even more memorable and special by hosting 'Bharatiya Bhasha Utsav,' a Language Festival from December 4 to December 11, 2024. The event made everyone realise that language learning can be a fun and engaging experience by conducting several competitions not only for the students of the college but also for the staff and parents.

Parents and faculty members participated in Oratorical and Singing Competition in three different languages – English, Tamil and Hindi, while the students of our college participated in a range of events including Oratorical contests in Hindi, Tamil, English, and Sanskrit, Translation competition, Poetry Recitation, Rangoli and Group Singing competition. 142 entries were received and the winners of these events were awarded with certificates and medals during the Valedictory Ceremony on December 11th.

Dr V Malarvizhi, Principal, Chellamal Women’s College, Chennai, the Chief Guest shared her personal connection with the college and emphasised the significance of Bharatiya Diwas and the role of language in cultural preservation and communication.

A Social Awareness program on ‘Cyber Threat among Students’

Wing: Hindi (Shift I)

Date: March 28, 2023

Resource Person: Ms. Varsha Singh, Editorial Director, Media India Group

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 55

The Resource Person Ms. Varsha Singh, Editorial Director, Media India Group was felicitated by the Principal, Dr. M. G Ragunathan.

The Principal Dr. M. G Ragunathan greeted the audience.

Workshops / Hands on Training / Training Programmes


The Hindi Wing, School of Languages, conducted a three-week Hindi Learning Camp: Parichay for 30 PG students of 2024 batch. It is a free 10-days certificate course conducted in the college campus for all the PG Programme students.

World Youth SKill Day : ‘Improve Skills to Improve Opportunities’

On the eve of World Youth Skills Day, the Hindi Wing, in collaboration with Rajasthan Patrika, daily Hindi Newspaper, organized a workshop on ‘Improve Skills to Improve Opportunities’ on 14th July, 2023. Dr.M.G.Ragunathan, Principal, Gurunanak College welcomed the gathering and stressed on learning languages. He stated that learning Hindi in itself was developing a skill. Mr.Vijay Raghavan, Editor Incharge, Rajasthan Patrika, introduced the theme of the workshop and highlighted the 5 W’s of news writing and how it would contribute in skill development in students . Dr.Manju Rustagi, Head (retd.), Hindi, Valliammal College, was the resource person for session one and her topic was ‘The World of Dubbing’. She highlighted the nuances of dubbing and guided students to learn the 3 skills of speaking, reading and writing of any language and use it to make a career in media. The resource person for the second session was Mr.D N Singh, Former Deputy Chief General Manager, Rajbhasha, Southern Railway. He stated that students learning Hindi as a language gives them a better opportunity to get jobs in central government offices. He encouraged students to develop language skills that would help them secure jobs related to linguistics. Dr.Swati Paliwal, Head, Hindi, GNC, in her vote of thanks, encouraged students to take advantage of such workshops and utilize it to support a career . Dr.Anita Patil, Dr.Guria Chaoudhary, Dr.Dolly and Mrs.Rekha coordinated the workshop. Students of Shift I & II attended the sessions.

Workshop on Succeed with Soft Skills

Wing: Foundation English (Shift I)

Date: April 6, 2023

Resource Person: Ms. S. Thangam, Assistant Professor, Chellammal Women’s College, Chennai

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 106

The Resource Person Ms. S. Thangam, Assistant Professor, Chellammal Women’s College with the Faculty of the English Wing.

The Resource Person Ms. S. Thangam, Assistant Professor, Chellammal Women’s College explained about various aspects of Soft Skills.

Participants of the Workshop.

Mr. B. Kumaran, HOD, Foundation English (Shift I) welcomed the gathering.

Workshop on Scrabble

Wing: Foundation English (Shift I)

Date: March 24, 2023

Resource Person: Mr. Ranganathan Chakravarthy, Founder, Madras Scrabble Foundation and International Scrabble Champion

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 50

The Resource Person Mr. Ranganathan Chakravarthy, Founder, Madras Scrabble Foundation and International Scrabble Champion was felicitated by Dr. L.R.S. Kalanithi, Associate Professor, Foundation English (Shift-I) Programme.

The Resource Person introduced the game Scrabble and explained the nuances of the game.

Active participation of the students.

The Resource Person with the faculty members of Foundation English (Shift I) Programme.

Techniques in Report Writing

Wing: Hindi (Shift I)

Date: March 23, 2023

Resource Person: Dr. Vandana Rai, Head, Department of Hindi, Dr. MGR Janaki College

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 47

The Resource Person Dr. Vandana Rai, Head, Department of Hindi, Dr. MGR Janaki College was felicitated by Dr. Anitha Malisetty, Vice-Principal (SFS – II).

The Resource Person explained various forms of reports and the technicalities of drafting an ideal report.

Dr. Guria Choudhary, Head of Hindi Programme presented the Resource Person with a plant sapling.

The Resource Person with the Vice-Principal (SFS – II) and Faculty members.

Basic Communication Workshop & Training

Wing: Hindi (Shift I)

Date: March 17, 2023

Resource Person: Dr. Ezhil Nachiar, HOD & Assistant Professor, SDNB Vaishnav college

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 31

The Resource Person Dr. Ezhil Nachiar, Head & Assistant Professor, SDNB Vaishnav College focused on Hindi vocabulary building for students.

The Resource Person interacted with students.

Active participation of student in workshop.

Diction Workshop

Date: January 23, 2023

Resource Person: Mr. Uday Kumar Meghani, Senior Hindi Announcer, All India Radio, Chennai
Wing: Hindi (Shift I)

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 105

The Principal Dr. M.G. Ragunathan delivered the welcome address

The Resource Person Mr. Uday Kumar Meghani, Senior Hindi Announcer, All India Radio, Chennai was felicitated by the Principal and Dr. Swati Paliwal, Dean Languages and IQAC Coordinator

The Resource Person Mr. Uday Kumar Meghani, Senior Hindi Announcer, All India Radio, Chennai trained the students in the technique of pronunciation of vowels and consonants of Hindi Language

Students interaction with the Resource Person

Creative Writing Workshop - “Pen It! Publish It!”

Date: September 28, 2022

Resource Person: Dr. K. N. Shoba, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Anna University, Chennai
Wing: Foundation English-Shift II

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 64

Creative Writing Workshop - “Pen It! Publish It!”- Participants and Office Bearers with the Faculty members and the Resource Person, Dr. K. N Shoba, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Anna University, Chennai

Introduction of the Resource Person Dr. K. N Shoba, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Anna University, Chennai by Dr Usha, Assistant Professor, English Wing

The Workshop was led by Dr. K. N. Shoba, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Anna University, Chennai

The Resource Person began the session by talking about the student’s imaginative potential and also discussed the various genres in short story writing and shared a few tips to keep in mind while trying to write a creative piece

Students are encouraged to exercise their creative minds and practice using their imaginations, by broadening their thought processes, which leads to success in creative writing

The Resource Person, Dr. K. N. Shoba along with the Head of Foundation English (Shift II) distributed the badges for the ELA Office Bearers for the academic year 2022-2023

Workshops / Hands on Training / Training Programmes

Workshop on Scrabble

Date: May 18, 2022

Chief Guest: Mr. Ranganatha Chakravarti, Founder, Madras Scrabble Foundation
Wing: Foundation English (Shift I)

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 49

Felicitation to the Resource person Mr. Ranganathan Chakravarthy, Founder, Madras Scrabble Foundation and International Scrabble Champion by Mr. B. Kumaran Head, English Shift II.

Mr. B. Kumaran, Associate Professor and Head, English welcomed the august gathering.

Dr. M. Aneez, Assistant Professor of English introduced the resource persons to the participants

Mr. Ranganathan Chakravarthy introduced the game Scrabble and explained the nuances of the game.

Mr. Vimal Thiagarajan, Founder, Be Positive Academy demonstrated the game Scrabble and conducted the mini Tournament.

Mr. Vimal Thiagarajan, clarified the doubts of the participants

La Langue Francais Et L’Emploi’

Date:March 28 Mar - April 1, 2022
Department:Department of French
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:139

Vyaktitva Vikas - Personality Development

Date:: March 14-18, 2022
Department:The Department of Hindi
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:659

Industrial Visit 2023-24

Visit to the 47th Chennai Book Fair

The Programme of Hindi organised a one-day Educational Field Trip to the 47th Chennai Book Fair on 6th January. 94 students from both the Shifts were taken. The visit aimed to teach them the concept of travelogue and to inculcate the habit of reading books.

Industrial Visit 2022-23

Educational Field Trip to Marina Campus, Madras University

Date: March 17, 2023
Wing: Hindi (Shift I)

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 57

On March 17, 2023, the Hindi Wing hosted an educational tour at Marina Campus, University of Madras. The Tour was attended by 57 first-year students from the Shift I and Shift II departments. The field trip was explained to the students, and they asked to record observations during the seminar on the topic of "Social Awareness and Literature Post-Independence”. The students actively participated in the seminar and interacted with the speakers. The educational visit was very helpful for them to understand the Hindi subject in an experiential way.

Library Visit - Experiential Learning

Date: February 27, 2023
Wing: Foundation English (Shift II)

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 42

The English wing (Shift II) organized a visit to the Connemara Library for the UG I and II year students on February 27, 2023. Students from SFS I and SFS II along with two faculty members, Ms. R. Ilanangai and Dr.S. Deepa, participated in this Experiential Learning. This visit provided the students with knowledge on the availability of a copious number of books in various disciplines and research materials under one roof. This visit was also arranged to inculcate the habit of reading books.

Educational Visit to Exhibition on “Nadugal Marabugalum Tholliyae Changalum”

Date: August 18, 2022
Wing: Tamil (Shift I)

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 48

The Tamil Wing arranged an educational visit to the exhibition on "Nadugal Marabugalum Tholliyae Changalum" (Tamil Archaeological Sites) conducted by Yakkaimarapu and the Archaeological Department, Govt. of Tamilnadu. The students enthusiastically visited the exhibition, listened to the lecture and videos, and learned about the archaeological Nadugal Marapu tradition of Tamilnadu. The programme enlightened the students on archaeological sites and excavations in Tamilnadu. Students also recorded their feedback, appreciating the exhibits and the work of the organizers. The educational visit was very helpful for them to understand the Tamil subject in an experiential way.

Industrial Visit

Literary Visit – Experiential Learning

Date: May 13, 2022
Wing: Foundation English (Shift II)

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 45

The English Wing of Shift II, arranged a visit to the Anna Centenary Library, for the UG I and II-year students, on 13/05/2022. Students from Stream 1 and 2 along with two staff members, Mr. R. Arun and Mrs. R. Ilanangai participated in this experiential learning practice. The visit was arranged to inculcate the habit of reading books .

Educational Field Trip to Egmore Museum

Date: May 9, 2022
Wing: Hindi (Shift I)

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 89

Hindi Wing of Guru Nanak College (Autonomous) conducted a one-day Educational Field Trip to the Chennai Egmore Museum on 9th May 2022 to introduce students to Indian Culture and Heritage and also to inculcate Travel Report Writing Skills. Students of I and II Year from Shift I & II attended the Educational trip. The students learned to organize facts for a travelogue writing.

Professional Development Programme 2022-23

Faculty Development Program on “Energy Enhancing in body Through Simple Exercises”

Date: January 23-30, 2023

Resource Person: Mr Ramesh R, Assistant Professor & Head, Sanskrit Wing

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 13
Wing: Sanskrit

The Resource Person Mr Ramesh R, Assistant Professor & Head, Sanskrit Wing welcomed the gathering

The participants performing hand exercise followed by the Resource Person

The participants practising breathing exercise

Parichay: Pradhyapakon Ke Liye

Date:August 22-26, 2022

Resource Person:Dr. Swati Paliwal, Head (Hindi Wing) & Dean Languages Dr. Dolly, Assistant Professor, Dr. Anita Patil, Assistant Professor, Ms. Rekha Verma, Assistant Professor, Ms. Guria Choudhary, Assistant Professor, Hindi Wing, Guru Nanak College (Autonomous)

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 22

The Hindi Wing of Guru Nanak College (Autonomous), conducted a 5-day Professional Development Programme for the Teaching and Non-Teaching staff of the college. Day 1 began with Dr. Swati, Head of the Hindi Wing & Dean Languages, welcoming the gathering. Dr. Dolly began the session and taught vowels and consonants in Hindi. She stressed on learning the right diction of the language. At the end of the session Dr. Anita played a game of alphabets and sounds with the participants. The resource person for Day 2 was Dr. Swati, she focused on the action words and gender usage. She highlighted the grammar aspect of the language. Dr.Anita tested the understanding of the participants by playing word game with them. On the 3rd day Ms. Rekha taught colors, numbers, animals, vegetables, fruits etc. Day 4 was taught by Ms. Guria and she focused on the market communication. Participants learned to bargain in Hindi. Last day was summarized by Dr. Anita. She created an informal environment of chit-chat in Hindi. The participants tried communicating in Hindi and really appreciated the efforts.

Professional Development Programme 2021-22

Apprenons Le Français

Date:March 14-18, 2022
Department:The Department of French
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:35

Parichay: Pradhyapakon Ke Liye (Basic Hindi Communication)

Date:March 7-11, 2022
Department:The Department of Hindi
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:35

English – Shift I

Mr. B. Kumaran
M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed.

Associate Professor & Head

Dr. L.R.S. Kalanithi
M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., PGCTE, DYDW, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Dean - School of Languages

Dr. S. Savithri
M.A., M.Phil., PGCTE., PGDTE., Ph.D., PGDDE(NET)

Assistant Professor

Dr. M. Aneez
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., SET

Assistant Professor

Ms. P. Anushia
M.A., M.Phil., NET, SET

Assistant Professor

Ms. Chungthaolungliu Dangmei

Assistant Professor

Mr. M. Sagadevan
M. A., M. Phil.

Assistant Professor

Ms. R.S Diana
M.SC, M.Phil(NUT), M.A, B.ED, M.Phil (English)

Assistant Professor

English – Shift II

Dr. V. Usha
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor & Head

Ms. R. Ilanangai
M.A., M.Phil., NET

Assistant Professor

Dr. S. Deepa
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., SET

Assistant Professor

Ms. N. Krithika
M.A., M.Sc., NET

Assistant Professor
Deputy Dean - School of Languages

Ms. M. Pon Ganthimathi
M.A., M.Phil., NET, SET

Assistant Professor

Ms. K. Dyana

Assistant Professor

Dr. B.Sharan
M.A, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Ms. J. G. Joanna Angel
M.A., M.Phil., NET

Assistant Professor

Ms. Jocelyn Treesa

Assistant Professor

Dr. Nidhi Shukla
M.A., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Ms. M.Z. Annes Fathima Banu
M.A., B.Ed., SLET

Assistant Professor

Ms. D. Priscilla

Assistant Professor

Dr S. Nisha
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D

Assistant Professor

Dr E. Beulah
M.A., Ph.D., Spl.B.Ed.

Assistant Professor

Mr. P. A. Amarjith

Assistant Professor

B.A. English

Dr. A. Suganthi Rao
M.A., PGDELT., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor & Head I/C

Ms. D. Rini Maria
M.A., M.Phil., SET

Assistant Professor
Deputy Dean of Academics

Dr. A. Sankara Priya
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D

Assistant Professor

Dr. R. Senkamalam
M.A. English, M.Phil., B.Ed., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Tamil – Shift I

Dr. M. Murthi
M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., Ph.D., NET

Associate Professor & Head

Dr. K. Jayaseelan
M.A., M.A.(Journalism), Ph.D., NET

Associate Professor

Mrs. S. Gayathri
M.A., M.Phil., NET

Assistant Professor

Dr. M. Thiagaraj
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., NET

Assistant Professor
Dean – Student Affairs (GAS)

Dr. N. Praveenkumar
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., NET

Assistant Professor
Deputy Dean - School of Languages

Dr. P. Vinayagam
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., NET

Assistant Professor

Dr. J. Punithamalar
M.A.,M.A(Linguistics), M.Phil., Ph.D., NET

Assistant Professor

Dr. D. Sakthivel
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., NET

Assistant Professor

Tamil – Shift II

Dr. V. Jeyaraman
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., NET

Associate Professor & Head
Dean – Student Affairs (SFS – I)

Mr. M. Senthil Kumar
M.A., M.Phil., NET

Associate Professor

Mr. J. Jai Samyak
M.A., M.Phil., NET

Associate Professor

Dr. Selva Rosary Pushpa M
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.,NET

Assistant Professor

Dr. P. Sasireka
M.A., M.A(English)., Ph.D., NET., SET., DEA.

Assistant Professor

Dr. S. Kokila
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., DIC., NET

Assistant Professor

Dr. M. Devaraj
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., DME, DFM, DIC, NET, SET

Assistant Professor

Dr. K. Amaresan
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., DME, DFM, DIC., NET

Assistant Professor

Dr. M. Shyamala
M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D., NET, SET

Assistant Professor

Dr. K. Anbukokila
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., NET., SET.

Assistant Professor

Dr. U. Krishnan
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., NET., SLET.

Assistant Professor

Dr. C. Gengadaran
M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D., SET., PGDME., PGDTV., DNCC., CLIS.

Assistant Professor

Ms Ponmani S

Assistant Professor

Mr. D. Aruselvaraj
M.A., M.Phil., DMA., NET.

Assistant Professor

Hindi – Shift I

Dr. Swati Paliwal
M.A.(History)., M.A.(Hindi)., M.Phil., Ph.D., SET

Assistant Professor &
Head Dean Academics
Head - Consultancy & Outreach Initiatives

Dr. Anita Patil
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Hindi – Shift II

Dr. Guria Choudhary
M.A., M.Phil., PGDT., PGDHJ.,Ph.D. NET

Assistant Professor & Head

Dr.S. Dolly
MSc.(IT), M.A.(Hindi), M.Phil. (Hindi)., B.Ed., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Deputy Dean - School of Languages
Coordinator – Media Centre & GNCCOI

Ms. Rekha Verma
M.A., (History) M.A., (Hindi) M.Phil., NET

Assistant Professor


Mr. R. Ramesh
M.A., M.Phil.

Assistant Professor & Head

Ms. R. Ramya
M.A., M.Phil

Assistant Professor


Ms. P. Ramya

Assistant Professor

Ms. Preethi S

Assistant Professor

Mr. Rohith Subramaniam

Assistant Professor
Student Achievements

Academic Achievements

  • University / College Toppers

    Priyadharshini - University Ist Rank

  • Competitive / Qualifying Examination

    Elyapreumal - SET (Reg. No. 2500285)

Extracurricular Activities

  • University / College Toppers

    Priyadharshini - University Ist Rank

  • Competitive / Qualifying Examination

    Elyapreumal - SET (Reg. No. 2500285)


Academic Achievements

  • University / College Toppers

    Priyadharshini - University Ist Rank

  • Competitive / Qualifying Examination

    Elyapreumal - SET (Reg. No. 2500285)

Extracurricular Activities

  • University / College Toppers

    Priyadharshini - University Ist Rank

  • Competitive / Qualifying Examination

    Elyapreumal - SET (Reg. No. 2500285)


Department of Foundation English

Month & Year Title of the Book / Chapter
2024 1. Process of Memory and Retrieval 2. Importance of Time Management - Book ( Self to Society - Pathway to skill enhancement) ISBN -93-92995-87-3 (Dr. Indra Balini)
2024 Know Yourself Self confidence & Self awareness - Book ( Self to Society - Pathway to skill enhancement) ISBN -93-92995-87-3 (Ms. R. Radhika)
2024 1. Need for creativity in the 21st century. 2. Myths of Creativity. 3. Sources of Creativity 4. Critical Thinking [vs] Creative Thinking - Book ( Self to Society - Pathway to skill enhancement) ISBN -93-92995-87-3 (Dr. S. Deepa)
2023 Trans Activism Through Trans narrative: Resistance and Strength of the Trans Community as seen in Loving Smile Vidya’s “I am Vidya: A Transgender’s Journey” - Book (LGBTQ: Rights and Perspectives) ISBN-978-93-90750-04-7 Ms. Dyana K
2023 Converting Reality into Virtual Reality through Apps on ELT, Kalanithi.L.R.S. Ruminations (2023) ISBN: 9788119106011: Pg. 1-10
2023 Bonding Beyond Barriers, Territories and even Species: A Lens View of the character in The Elephant Whisperers, Kalanithi. L.R.S. The Wisdom of Ecocriticism: Unfolding the Environmental Concerns in Indian Writing in English (2023) ISBN: 978-93-95949-16-3 Pg. 19-27.
2023 Experiences and Resilience of Transgenders in Hetero-Normative Society: A Psychoanalytical Contrast, Kalanithi. L.R.S and Kavi Kalpana. J Literature and Psychology (2023) ISBN: 978-93-56484-31-3 Pg. 137-153.
2022 Co-edited a book titled Feminism in Modern Indian Literature. ISBN: 978-93-5493-310-3. July 2021. Literary publishers, Kottaiyur. Dr. M.Aneez
2020 Anti-Leprosy Vaccine (Hansen's Disease Vaccine) - Book (Springer Nature) ISBN 978-981-15-2194-2 ISBN 978-981-15-2195-9 Dr. Indra Balini
2020 Impact of Compensation Strategy Training in language learning - Book (New Dimensions and Explorations in English Language and Literature) 978-81-944871-7-3 Dr. Indra Balini
2020 Chapter- Anti-Leprosy Vaccine (Hansen’s Disease Vaccine). ISBN 978-981-15-2194-2 ISBN 978-981-15-2195-9 (eBook). Springer Nature Singapore Pvt. Ltd. Dr. Indra Balini A
Jan-2019 A Critical Study of the Psychology of Magical Realism in Haruki Murakami’s A Wild Sheep Chase and Kafka on the Shore. January 2019. Notion Press. ISBN: 978-1-68466-405-4. Ms. Rini Maria D
2019 Chapter- New Dimensions and Explorations in English Language and Literature. ESN Publications. ISBN No. 978-89-944871-7-3. Dr. Indra Balini A
Feb-2018 Contributed a Chapter: No.13 Aravind Adiga’s the White Tiger in “The Light on Indian Darkness” Page No: 127- 133 in Indian English Novels: Style and Motives. Ms. N. Krithika
Aug-2018 Word and Picture Dictionary. Three Volumes - Published by Govt. of Tamilnadu and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. (Reviewer). Dr. LRS Kalanithi
2018 English for Undergraduates- Advanced Level. Srivari Publications. Ms. R. Radhika
2017 English for Undergraduates- Intermediary level. Srivari Publications. Ms. R. Radhika
2016 English for Undergraduates- Preliminary level. Srivari Publications. Ms. R. Radhika
2016 English for Undergraduates- Transitional level. Srivari Publications. Ms. R. Radhika
2015 Students English Digest for Third Semester ISBN: 978-81-931555-9-2. Dr. Indra Balini A
2015 Students English Digest for Fourth Semester ISBN: 978-93-85682-17-9. Dr. Indra Balini A
2014 & 2015 Students English Digest for First Semester ISBN: 978-81-.031555-2-3. Dr. Indra Balini A
2014 Students English Digest for Second Semester. ISBN No. 978-81-.031555-2-3. Dr. Indra Balini A

Department of Tamil

Month & Year Title of the Book / Chapter
Nov 2023 Gotha Parthasarathyyin “Pennendru Boomithanil” Sirukathai Thoguppu - Ooru Aaivu - ISBN- 978-93-92264-40-5 Dr.M.SHYAMALA
Jun 2023 Ilakkiya Pattumani - ISBN- 978-93-92264-03-0 Dr.M.SHYAMALA
Aug-2020 Kambanil Mudharpporul Amazon Kindle. ASIN; BO8G8NCM8H. Dr. P. Vinayagam
Aug-2018 Word and Picture Dictionary. Three Volumes - Published by Govt. of Tamilnadu and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. (Reviewer). Ms. S. Gayathri
2018 Veeramamunivar in the history of Tamil grammar, I.I.T.S., Chennai. Dr. J. Punithamalar
Dec-2017 Sikhiyam Ennum Meyvazhi – On Sikhism, Guru Nanak Educational Society Dr. N. Praveen Kumar
Jun-2017 Editorial Member, Foundation Course Book -Tamil (First Year), Department of Tamil, Guru Nanak College (Autonomous), Chennai. Dr. M. Devaraj
Jun-2017 Editorial Member, Foundation Course Book -Tamil (Second Year), Department of Tamil, Guru Nanak College (Autonomous), Chennai. Dr. M. Devaraj
Jan-2014 Co – Editor, NOCHI- Ariyapadatha Tamil Pathippalumaikal Aaivu – Avanam, Parisal Puthaka Nilayam, Arumpakkam, Chennai. Dr. K. Amaresan
Dec-2014 Thamizhga Dalith Akkangal Avanamum Aiyvum (1981-2009), Neithal Publication, Thiruvallikeni, Chennai. ISBN No. 978-93-80890-48-7. Dr. K. Amaresan
Dec-2014 Tamizh Ithazhiyal Varalaru: Aanandha Vikadan Karuthuppadankal, Neithal Publication, Thiruvallikkeni, Chennai. ISBN No. 978-93-80890-47-0. Dr. S. Kokila
Mar-2013 Thinai Mayakkam, Translation of world Poems Paasi Publishers Dr. N. Praveen Kumar
Dec-2012 Vanchi: Ithazh Thoguppugal: Aaivu - Aavanam, Parisal Book Publication, Chennai. Dr. M. Devaraj
Dec-2010 Oru Kadal - Sila Muthukkal. M. Senthilkumar
Jan-2008 Aaivu Nokkil Kaathavaraayan Kathaigal, ManimozhiPathippagam, Chennai. Dr. K. Jayaseelan
Jan-2008 Nannool – Yapperung Kalakkaarigai (IDE Course Material), Periyar University, Salem- Distance Education Text Book. Dr. M. Murthi
Mar-2008 Kalviyum Ulaviyalum, For B.Ed. Entrance Exams, India 2010. Dr. K. Jayaseelan
Mar-2008 Marabu Thamizhum Naveena Thamizhum, Pavai Publishers Dr. N. Praveen Kumar
Mar-2008 Pin Naveenathuvam Sila Parimanagngal, Pavai Publishers Dr. N. Praveen Kumar
Nov-2007 Pathuppattil Valamaiyum Varumaiyum, Manimozhi Pathippagam, Chennai. Dr. K. Jayaseelan
Dec-2007 Dhammapatham Thodanki Dalitium Varai. Tamil Vaara Ithazhkalil Vaniga Vuthigal’ M. Senthilkumar
Mar-2006 Tamil Literature- Grammar- History- Part-II for Competitive Exams, Mullai Arts & AMP Crafits, Chennai. Dr. K. Jayaseelan
Jul-2003 Tamil Literature- Grammar- History- Part-I for Competitive Exams, Mullai Arts & AMP Crafits, Chennai. Dr. K. Jayaseelan
Dec-2003 General Knowledge for Competitive Exams, Deenthamizh Pathippagam, Chennai. Dr. K. Jayaseelan

Department of Hindi

Month & Year Title of the Book / Chapter
Dec-2018 Dhoomil ka Kaavya Samagra: Prasangigta ke Vividh Sandarbh. Sahitya Ratnakar. ISBN No. 978-93-86784-11-7. Dr. Dolly
Jun-2018 Hindi Bhasha: Dakshin Bharat Mein Hindi, Editor, Vani Prakashan, Dariyaganj, New Delhi-2, ISBN 978-93-87889-89-7. Dr. Swati Paliwal
Jun-2017 Padya Manjusha, Author, Bodh Prakashan, Chennai, ISBN 978-93-82380-11-5. Dr. Swati Paliwal
Jun-2017 Sahitya Manjusha, Author, Bodh Prakashan, Chennai, ISBN 978-93-82380-12-2. Dr. Swati Paliwal
2017 Do Kadam Vaigyanik Shodh Patrikaon ki or, Hindi ki Vaishvik Mahatata, Vishav Pustak Prakashan. ISBN:978-81-89092-78-8. Dr. Anita Patil
Jun-2016 Gadya Manjusha, Author and Editor, Guru Nanak College (Autonomous), Velachery, Chennai. Dr. Swati Paliwal
Jun-2016 Padya Manjusha, Boadh Prakashan Chennai. ISBN: 978-93-82380-11-5. Dr. Anita Patil
Jun-2016 Sahitya Manjusha, Boadh Prakashan Chennai. ISBN: 978-93-82380-12-2. Dr. Anita Patil
2016 Filmon Mein Hindi ki Dasha or Disha, Hindi Ka Vaishvik Prayawaran, Vishav Pustak Prakashan. ISBN:978-81-89092-76-4. Dr. Anita Patil
2015 Maiteryi Pushpa Ke Sahitya Mein Stree Vimarsha, Varta Vahak, Hindi Sikshya Samiti, Odissa - ISSN 2321-8789. Dr. Anita Patil
Nov-2014 Baal Sahitya: Samasyayen Aur Nidaan, Varta Vahak, Hindi Sikshya Samiti, Odissa - ISSN 2321-8789. Dr. Anita Patil
May-2009 Course Material for MA Hindi, Paper-VIII, Chapter No.26 to 30, Indian and Western Poetics & Criticism, Institute of Distance Education, University of Madras, Chennai. Dr. Swati Paliwal
Feb-2010 Zindagi ki Rah Par, Co-author, Poornima Prakashan, Royapettah, Chennai. Dr. Swati Paliwal


Department of Foundation English

Month & Year Title of the Paper / Article
Dr. L.R.S. Kalanithi
January - June 2024 Emerging Trends in Literature and Environmental Humanities. Kalanithi.L.R.S. and Rini Maria. D. Guru Nanak Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Research (GNJMDR), Volume 13, Issue 1, January - June 2024 (Refereed, Peer-Reviewed, and Bi-annual Journal) ISSN: 2277-1409: Pg. 61-63.
January - June 2024 Dreamful Spiritual Journey in Pao Coelho’s the Alchemist. Kalanithi.L.R.S. and P.L. Amutha. Guru Nanak Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Research (GNJMDR), Volume 13, Issue 1, January - June 2024 (Refereed, Peer-Reviewed, and Bi-annual Journal) ISSN: 2277-1409: Pg. 49-53
2023 Enhancing Digital Humanism in English Language Teaching through Digital Humanities, Kalanithi. L.R.S. and Mr. B. Kumaran. Shanlax Journals(2023) Vol. 12 Special Issue 217-22. ISSN : 2320 – 2645
July – December 2023 The incandescent customizing of the character Riya Somani and the incessant endeavor arrayed in the character of Madhavjha by Chetan Bhagat in his novel “Half Girl Friend”. Kalanithi.L.R.S. and K. Suganthi. Guru Nanak Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Research (GNJMDR), Volume 12, Issue 2, July – December 2023 (Refereed, Peer-Reviewed, and Bi-annual Journal) ISSN: 2277-1409: Pg. 27-29
January – June 2023 Meeting and Melting of Cultures: A Study of the Time of the Peacock. Kalanithi.L.R.S. and S. Habeebunisa Begum. Guru Nanak Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Research (GNJMDR), Volume 12, Issue 1, January – June 2023 (Refereed, Peer-Reviewed, and Bi-annual Journal) ISSN: 2277-1409: Pg. 22-24
January – June 2023 Waiting for Lefty & Awake and Sing! by Clifford Odets – A Marxist Study, Kalanithi.L.R.S. and Thangam. S. Guru Nanak Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Research (GNJMDR), Volume 12, Issue 1, January – June 2023 (Refereed, Peer-Reviewed, and Bi-annual Journal) ISSN: 2277-1409: Pg. 25- 28
2020 Psychological Reconstruction of the Psyche of Immigrants in Chitra Banerjee’s: The Vine of Desire, Kalanithi. L.R.S. and Diana Rachal Gnanadeepam. I. Dogo Rangsang Research Journal (2020) Vol. 7(6): pp. 120-125. ISSN: 2347-7180
2020 Reducing the Affective Filter in Tertiary Level ESL Learners some Effective Strategies, Kalanithi. L.R.S. and Kavitha. K. Purakala (2020) Vol. 31(23): pp. 91-99. ISSN: 0971-2143
2019 Campus Interviews – Gateway to Future, Kalanithi. L.R.S. and Usha. V. Shanlax International Journals(2019) Vol. 7(2): pp. 65-69. . ISSN : 2321 – 788X
Oct -2019 Campus Interviews – Gateway to future. Shanlax International Journals (A Peer-reviewed- Refereed Scholarly Quarterly Journal Globally Indexed with Impact Factor). Lakshmanan. P-ISSN: 2321-788X E-ISSN: 2582-0397.
Dr. S. Savithri
Dec-2019 Reimagining Higher Learning Institutions (HEIs) for sustainable social development
2017 Storytelling and folk tales in the ESL classroom: Interview with Regina Ress. The Journal of English Language Teaching (India) LIX/3, 2017
Feb-2007 Continuing education for women and aged. Chapter in ‘Gender Issues’ published at the Sri Venkateshwara University, Tirupathi, Andhra Pradesh India
2005 Global Trade in Services: Implications for ODL’. In the Conference Proceedings of ICDE conference. New Delhi. Later web-published at the UNESCO
Jul-2002 EFA and Digital Divide: Real or Surreal? In OSAC Journal of Open Schooling, Vol. II, No. I.
1996 Perspectives on Poe' Book Review. Indian Journal of American Studies, ASRC, Hyderabad, India. 1996.
Aug-2019 Elements of Popular Culture in Suzanne Collins. The Hunger Games: An analysis
Dr. M. Aneez
2022 Archetypal Childhood Trauma During Christmas Season as Depicted by Dostoevsky and other Writers in the Fictional world: A Comparative Study" in A journal of the Centre of Russian Studies, School of Language, Literature & Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. (A UGC CARE listed Journal) 2229-7146
Sep 2021 Social Consciousness in the poems of Meena Kandasamy: A Study in the Global Context published in the NIU International Journal of Human Rights. (A UGC CARE listed Journal) Vol 8 Special Issue 2 published annually by Noida International University. ISSN 2394-0298
Aug 2021 Human Relationships in the short stories of Aloor Jalal. (Humanism in Indian literature. ISBN 978-93-5493-921-1)
Dr. Indra Balini A
2024 Palm Sunday: Master & Donkey, Dr. Indra Balini.A, Trinity Mirror, Daily
2023 For the Sake of Mankind, Dr. Indra Balini.A, Trinity Mirror, Daily
2022 Covid19' Toll on Education System - A Shift from physical classroom to virtual Platform, Dr. Indra Balini.A, Guru Nanak Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN 2277-1409
2021 Perception Of Students Towards Virtual Learning – An Emerging Pedagogy, Dr. Indra Balini.A, International Journal of Aquatic Science, ISSN: 2008-8019
2021 Powerplay in Ambai's A kitchen in the corner of the house, Dr. Indra Balini.A, Levant, ISSN 1756 3801
2020 A Study on the Affective Factors of Fossilization in the English Language, Dr. Indra Balini.A, Langlit, ISSN 2349 5189
2020 A Study on the Affective Factors of Fossilization in the English Language. Langlit-An International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal. 2349 5189, Impact Factor – 5.61.
2020 Anti-Leprosy Vaccine (Hansen’s Disease Vaccine in Springer Nature Singapore Pvt. Ltd., in 2020, ISBN 978-981-15-2194-2, ISBN 978-981-15-2195-9 (e-book).
2019 The Impact of Compensation Strategy in language learning. In the book New Dimensions and Explorations in English Language and Literature, ESN Publications ISBN: 978-89-944871-7-3.
Nov-2018 Role of Memory Strategy Training in Language Learning. Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities Arts and Science (India). Vol. 3/SPL ISS 4/Nov 2018/E-ISSN: 2456-5571, Impact Factor - 2.135.
Jan-June 2018 Acquisition of Language Skills through Affective and Social Strategy Training in GASCIAN. Journal of Social Science (India). Vol. 6/No. 1, January-June, 2018/ ISSN: 2348-0432.
Dec-2015 Cultural Dilemmas and Transformation of the Identities During Displacement Portrayed in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s “The Mistress of Spices”. TQ- A Research Journal (A Bi-Annual Multi-Disciplinary Research Journal). Guru Shree Shantivijai Jain College for Women, Chennai. ISSN: 2319-9091
2014 Neurobiology in Language Learning Strategies. (in a two-day National Seminar at Srikalahasti Karnataka) ISBN: 978-93-5171-023-3.
2012 Enhancing Students’ Success in Global Perspective at GSS Jain College. ISSN: 978-81-908942-4-3.
2012 Effects of Time Management on Human Resources” in ICON’2012 at International Conference held at Hindustan College of Arts and Science.ISBN:978-93-81208-11-3.
R. Ilanangai
2022 Online Education A Global Challenge For The Teacher Educator and the Learner, R. Ilanangai, Guru Nanak Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN 2277-1409
2022 Cultural and Mythological Aspects in Ngugi WA Thiong'o's "The River Between", R. Ilanangai, The Bhopal School of Social Sciences, ISBN: 978-93-91410-68-1
Ms. R. Radhika
2023 NEP 2020 - Digital Education, Ms. R. Radhika, Conference Proceedings, ISBN 9789391332662
2021 An inevitable role of literature to improve language skills, Ms. R. Radhika, Journal of Scientific Transactions in Environment and Technovation, ISSN(Online):2393-9249
2020 "Multi tasking role of an educator in today's world", Ms. R. Radhika, Journal of Scientific Transactions in Environment and Technovation, Volume 14 Issue 2 P-ISSN 09739157 E-ISSN 23939249
Dr. S. Deepa
2022 The Theme of Gender Sensitization in Shashi Deshpande's Novel The Dark Holds No Terrors, Dr. S. Deepa, Guru Nanak Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN 2277-1409
2022 Constant clash with culture in Bharati Mukherjee’s novel The Tiger's Daughter, Dr. S. Deepa, Conference in WCC-Nagerkoil, ISSN 2456-5571
2021 Chided Children's Quest for Contentment in Katherine Mansfield's The Doll's House - A Study, Dr. S. Deepa, The Indian Review of World Literature in English, ISSN 0974-097X
2020 Therapeutic technique in Vera's novel Butterfly Burning, Dr. S. Deepa, ISSN 2321-984X
Ms. Dyana K
2022 Importance of Incorporating gender sensitive content in Higher Education Syllabus: A study on the syllabus curated by the Department of English GNC, Ms. Dyana K, Guru Nanak Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN 2277-1409
2022 Identifying Women with their Bodies: A study on Ambai's "In a Forest A Deer", Ms. Dyana K, Shodha Prabha UGC Care List Journal - Group 1, ISSN 0974-8946
2021 The Significance of Constructing a Non-Hierarchical Worldview in Eco-Poetry using Prosopopoeia by analysing Denise Levertov’s “Aware”, Ms. Dyana K, Bodhi International Journal of Research in Science and Humanities, ISSN 2456-5571
Ms. Sasirekha V
2022 The difference within : Education for sustainability with past present and future, Ms. Sasirekha V, Guru Nanak Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN 2277-1409
Dr. Nidhi Shukla
2023 Ngugi Wo Thing'o; A Postcolonial Dramatist, Dr. Nidhi Shukla, World Literature - Words of Wisdom, ISBN: 978-93-92459-07-8
2022 Reflection of Identity in the Characters of Kiran Desai’s" The Inheritance of Loss", Dr. Nidhi Shukla, Language Literature and Culture in the Digital Age, ISBN: 978-93-94899-15-5
2022 Human Predicaments in the Poems of Robert Frost, Dr. Nidhi Shukla, A Conglomeration of Literature Language and Theory, ISBN: 978-93-92459-05-4
2022 Ethical Issues in Education, Dr. Nidhi Shukla, Guru Nanak Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN 2277-1409
2021 The Poetry of Robert Frost: Symbolism as a Distinctive Trait, Dr. Nidhi Shukla, Guru Nanak Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN 2277-1409
Priscilla D
2024 Exploring Trauma and Resilience in Contemporary Literature: A Comparative Feminist Analysis - Rhetoric of Resilience: Impact of Trauma on Language, Memory, and Cultural Narratives published by Altech Groups Publication ISBN: 978-93-340-2426-5
Dr. Sharan B
2022 Gender Sensitization in the Holy Bible - Fragmenting the Androcentric View, Dr. Sharan B, Guru Nanak Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN 2277-1409
2019 An analysis of Biblical women silencing the gender discriminations of the Androcentric society, Dr. Sharan B, Think India Journal, ISSN 0976-5425
2019 Disapproving Marginalisation: Viewing Biblical Women Through A Feminist Perspective, Dr. Sharan B, History Research Journal, ISSN 0971-1260
Ms. Jocelyn Tressa Joce
2022 Idiosyncratic Gender Representation: An Analysis of the Tamil Nadu State Standard 10 English Textbook, Ms. Jocelyn Tressa Joce, Guru Nanak Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN 2277-1409
Joanna Angel J. G.
2022 Pedagogical Approaches in English Language Teaching towards the Development of Sustainable Education, Joanna Angel J. G., Guru Nanak Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN 2277-1409
Ms. M.Z. Annes Fathima Banu
2020 ICT initiatives of Language Teaching Learning & Assessment and its impact on students during Covid-19 Lock Down, Ms. M.Z. Annes Fathima Banu, Journal of Critical Reviews, ISSN 2394-5125
Ms. N. Krithika
2020 “Decoding the psychohistory of lands (Women) from the politicized reality”, Ms. N. Krithika, Alochana Chakra Journal (UGC CARE Group- 1 Journal), ISSN 2231-3990
2020 “VAK Learning style models of classify Humanistic Approach of Suggestopedia”, Ms. N. Krithika, (SCOPUS Index) Tathapi, ISSN 2320-0693
2020 “Urbanization and Sustainability: Urban Agriculture for developing Indian Cities”, Ms. N. Krithika, Studies in Indian Place Names, ISSN 2394-3114
Mrs. P. Anushia
Jan-June 2017 Representation of Minority Community in 'The Merchant of Venice. Guru Nanak Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (GNJMDR) ISSN: 2277-1409.
Jan-Jun 2017 The Challenges of Teaching Roald Dahl's 'The Umbrella Man' to ESL Learners. Proceedings of the Papers presented in the Second International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Teaching Language and Literature (ICICTLL-2019) by SCSVMV, Enathur. ISBN: 978-93-87088-35-1.
2017 Decolonization in William Shakespeare's Play "The Tempest" as part of the book titled ‘Shakespeare and Culture: Politics and Society’ Elt@i, Thoothukudi Chapter, ISBN: 978-81-923842-3-8.
Jun-2016 Comics as a Learning Tool of Learning Tradition. Indian Journal of Applied Research, ISSN: 2249-555X
Dr. V. Usha
2024 Diasporic Echoes in Sashi Deshpandey's 'A Matter of Time', Dr. V. Usha, PG Department of English DG Vaishnav College Chennai, yet to receive the copy
2022 Integrating Life Skills to Accomplish Career Goals - an Exploration, Dr. V. Usha, Guru Nanak Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN 2277-1409
2020 Enriching Communication Competence for a better Tomorrow, Dr. V. Usha, Our Heritage, ISSN: 0474-9030 Vol.68 No.26 (2020)
2019 English Language for Occupational Purpose, Dr. V. Usha, Roots International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches, ISSN 2349-8684
2019 Campus Interviews - Gateway to Future, Dr. V. Usha, SHANLAX INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS, ISSN 2321-788X
Jan 2020 Enriching Communication Competence for a Better Tomorrow, ISSN: 0474-9030 Vol.68 No.26. Our Heritage - UGC Care Listed
Oct-2019 Campus Interviews - Gate to Feature. Shanlax International Journals. ISSN No. ISSN-2321-788X.
May-2019 English Language for Occupational Purpose. Roots International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches. ISSN No. 2349-8684.
Ms. Rini Maria D
Aug-2019 Agency and Subaltern Women in Mahasweta Devi’s ‘After Kurukshetra’, ‘Novel Trends and Techniques in Literature and Language Research Vol 1, VIT, August, 2019. ISBN: 978-93-86890-37-5.
Mar-2019 Woza Albert! As an Intercultural Play of Liberation, Contemporary Literary Review India (Impact factor 3.886) in the CLRI 2019 Annual Print edition. ISSN 2250-3366.
Sep-2016 Contributed an article titled ‘Sidney Replies to Gosson: An Apology for Poetry Published’ in the newspaper titled ‘The Bard’s Times’ which was displayed in the exhibition titled ‘Shakespeare Lives’ at the National Seminar on Contemporary Shakespere: Culture, Language and Politics organized by the School of Distance Education, University of Kerala.
Apr-2016 Elements of Memory and Imagination: A Psychoanalytic approach to Magical Realism in Haruki Murakami’s A Wild Sheep Chase. Horizon Above and Beyond, ed. Alex, Tharun, et al. Partridge Publications, Print: 2016. ISBN: 978-1-4828-7228-6.

Department of Tamil

Month & Year Title of the Paper / Article
Dr. M. Murthi
Mar-2019 Thamizhartham Vaazhviyalil Unavalithal-Oru Uyarndha Naagarigam, L.N G. Govt. Arts College, Ponneri-National.
Feb-2019 Silambil Penmaiyum Vanmaiyum. D.G. Vaishnava College (Autonomous), Arumbakkam, National Seminar.
Mar-2018 Sanga Ilakkiyam Kaattum Pothumai Neri- Dept.of Languges, D.B.Jain College (Autonomous), Chennai, National.
Jul-2016 Aembethkar- Oru Anaiyaatheebam, National Seminar,All India Ambethkar Students Fedaration, Chennai.
Jan- Jun 2013 The Life’s code of Ethics in Sangam Tamil, GNC Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol. 2, GNC, ISSN No. 2277-1409.
Jan- Jun 2012 The Tamil Ethnic Agam Culture of Classical Age, GNC Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol.1, GNC, Jan-June 2012. ISSN No. 2277-1409.
Mar-2012 Teachers Moral Commitment in Socialization Knowledge-GNCAUT Unit, Guru Nanak College, National.
Dec-2011 Thirukuralil Kalviyial Sinthanikal, Krishna Arts & Science College, Kanchipuram and Semmthaypathipagam, National Seminar.
Dec-2011 Agananutril Anbin Sezhumaiyum NatpinUrimaiyum, Ethiraj college, Chennai (International Seminar).
Dec-2009 Kalithogai Kaattum IllaramumNallaramum, Kovai Pioneer Arts & Science College, (International Seminar).
Jan-2008 Kalviyin Nokkam Samugapayanpaadu- Loyola College, National Seminar.
Dec-2007 ThamizharthamPanpatil virunthombumPanbaadu, SSBS Tamil Arts & Science, College, Mailam (International Seminar).
Dec-2007 IynakurunoorilAnbin Sezhumaigal, Madurai Kamaraj University, (International Seminar).
Mar-2007 Thamizhartham Sevviyal Panpaadu- M.G.R College, Hosur & CICT- National.
Feb-2007 NatpinUyirmai, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, (International Seminar).
Dec-2006 Idaichorkal Vagaippadu, AyvavangaKatturaigal ‘R’ All India Research Association, Pudhucherry.
Jun-1998 Dhandapani Swamigal Kaattum Aram Porul Inba Kolgaigal, Dhandapani Swamigal Aaivumalai, Kovai.
May-1998 SollumPorulum Ena Nadamaadum Idaichol, All India University Tamil Teacher’s Association, Pondicherry, (International Seminar).
May-1998 Saiva Siddhanta Sandammarutham Soma SundaraNayagar, All India University Tamil Teacher’s Association, Pondicherry, (International seminar).
May-1997 KurunthogaiyilIdaichorkal, Ayvucovai. All India University Tamil Teacher’s Association, Pondicherry, (International seminar).
May-1997 Sadangu Paadalgalil Ramayana Seidhigal, ITCS. (National Seminar).
May-1997 SilambilIdaichorkal, Iynthamizh Ayivalar Mandram, Madurai, (National Seminar).
May-1996 Sadangu Paadalgal–Valayal Chettiyar. All India University Tamil Teacher’s Association, Pondicherry, (International Seminar).
Jan-1996 Kalithogaiyil Idaichorkal, Ayvucovai, All India University Tamil Teacher’s Association, Pondicherry, (International Seminar).
May-1995 Veriyadalum Pinvilaivugalum, Ayvucovai, All India University Tamil Teacher’s Association, Pondicherry, (International seminar).
Jan-1995 SangaIlakkiya Vazhai Thirumanam, Iynthamizh Ayivalar Mandram, Madurai, (National Seminar).
May-1994 Idaichorkal PodhuIlakkanam, Ayvucovai, All India University Tamil Teacher’s Association, Pondicherry, (International seminar).
May-1993 Tholkappiyarin Arivukotpaduorupaarvai, Ayvucovai, All India University Tamil Teacher’s Association, Pondicherry,(International seminar).
July-Dec 2012 The Relevance of Tholkappiyam in Human Life. GNC Multidisciplinary Journal Vol.2, GNC, JISSN No. 2277-1409.
Dr. S. Gayathri
Jul - Dec 2014 Sitrilakkiya Samoogam, GNC Multidisciplinary Journal, GNC, ISSN No. 2277-1409.
Jan - June 2013 Aanmigathil Ariviyal Sindhanaigal, GNC Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol.2, GNC, ISSN No. 2277-140.
Jul - Dec 2012 Natrinaiyil Pirivatraamai, GNC Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol.-1, GNC, ISSN no. 2277-1409.
Jan - Jun 2012 Delineation of Human Characteristics in Sindhamani, GNC Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol.1, GNC, ISSN No.2277-1409.
Dr. M. Thiagaraj
Jun-2013 Samuga Valarchiyel Thamizh Valai Pookalin Pangalippu, GNC Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol. -2, GNC, ISSN no. 2277-1409.
Mar-2012 Thamizhvazhi Kalviyelirunthu Aangilavazhi Kalvikkum Maarum Manvargalin Ulaviyal Chikkalgalum Theervugalum (Golden Jubilee of AIFUCTO-2012 Academic Conference Journal).
Jul-2012 Kalvi Valarchiyel Thamaiz Valai Pookalin Pangalippu, GNC Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol.2, GNC, July-Dec 2012ISSN No. 2277-1409.
Dr. N. Praveen Kumar
Apr-2021 Naveena Kavithai – Ariviyal Ormai -Sci fi Poems in Tamil, Puravi.
Apr-2021 Avalum Umiyum, Janakiraman Nootrandu Thoguppu, Kalachuvadu.
Oct-2020 Sol Veli Thavalaigal. Manalveedu.
Jun-2020 Irantha Nilaveveligalin avigal, on Moden Poetry, Olaichuvadi.இதழ்-7/பிரவீன்/
Jun-2020 Verupadugalin Uraiyadal, Vimarsana Varalaru, Kanali.
Jun-2020 Sitrithazh Saaramsam – On Literary Journals.
Feb-2020 Panbatin Nizhalveligal –Perumal Murugan Padaippugal, Kalachuvadu.
Jan-2020 Poetry in 21st Century. Anthimazhai.
Jan-2020 Irandayirathuku Pin Kavithai. Contemporary Poems, Andhimazhai.
Jun-2019 Olypic Okaviya Natpu, Olympic and an Epic Friendship. Neelavizhikal.
Sep-2019 Buddha Pen Deyvangal, on Women Deities of Buddhism. Neelavizhikal.
Mar-2019 Manidha Inam – Ethirgalavial, Science and Human Futurism. Ananda Vikatan.
Jan-2019 Ulagathai orey puthagamakkiya mozipeyarpu, On world Literature, Idayveli.
Jan-2019 Tholgadhaiyadin Navugal, Mythological Fiction, Manalveedu.
Dec-2018 Education as Tool for Social Liberation.
Oct-2018 Punaivu Arivujeevitha Vinaipurivu. Kalkuthirai.
Aug-2018 Sitrithazh Mozhi , Idayveli.
Jan-2018 History of Literary Criticism, Idayveli.
2017 Kavijar Abiyin Kaviyalugu. Idayveli.
Sep-2016 Nilaipadugalukku appalana unmaigal nokki, kalkuthirai.
Sep-2016 Ranitilak Kaviyulagam, Kalkuthirai.
Jul-2016 Ilangaiyilirunthu Pirbanajam Varai. The Hindu. Tamil Ilangaiyilirunthu Pirbanajam Varai. The Hindu, Tamil.
2015 Udalin Anma, Ji Nagarajanin Kurathi Mudiuku.
Jun-2013 Naveena ezuthin urpathi peruvedippu, Slate.
Dec-2012 From and Structure of Tamil Novels, Guru Nanak Journal of Multidisciplinary Research. ISSN No.2277 – 1409.
Jan-2012 Sitrithazhgalain Ethir Parinamam. Puranadai.
Dec-2002 Pin-naveenathuva Aranga Uruvaakkam, on Post Modern Theater, Kattiyam, Journal of Theatre, Swiss.
Dr. J. Punithamalar
Mar-2014 Veeramamunivar & Thirukural, College Teachers Kumari Tamil Sangam, Nagercoil.
May-2011 Tamil Grammar Books by Europeans,Valartamil Study Forum, Dindigul.
May-2011 Which is Little Tolkappiyam, Indian University Teachers Forum, Madurai.
Jan-2011 Tonul Vilakkam & Nannul, Valartamil Study Forum, Madurai.
Sep-2009 Functions of Veeramamunivar, Loyola College.Chennai.
May-2009 Tolkappiyam & Tonul Vilakkam, Nalatamil Panpattu Study Forum, Madurai.
Dr. P. Vinayagam
Mar-2020 Aanmaik Kuriyedu Akkappatta Raman IITS, Tharamani.
Jun-2011 Marabiyal Amaippum Thevaiyum. Pondicherry University. Pondy.
Feb-2009 Uzhavu: Thiruvalluvar Kalamum Tharkalamum Pondichery University.
Dec-2008 Kambaramayanathil Agatinaik Koorugal, Aar-anaithindhiya Aaraichikazhagam, Chennai.
Dec-2008 Kongu Nattup Pazhamozhigalil Kuriyeedu AE Publication, Coimbatore.
Oct-2008 Islam Unarthum Natpu,Islamiya Thamizh Ilakkia Kazhagam, Mailaduthurai.
May-2008 Sekizhzrin mozhippatru, Valarthamizh Aaivu Mandram, Dindugal.
Mar-2008 Agananootril Parathayar, Pondicherry University. Pondy.
Dr. V. Jeyaraman
Sep-2013 Thondainaatu Vainava Thiruthalangalil Iraiuruvum Peyarum, GNC Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol.3, GNC. ISSN No. 2277-1409.
Jun-2014 Thirumangai Aazhvaar Padlgalil Mamallapuram, GNC Multidisciplinary Journal Vol.3, GNC, Jan-JuneISSN No. 2277-1409.
Dr. M. Devaraj
Jun-2016 Therukoothu Kalagar: A.M. Mani, Chenthalaikuruvi (Journal in Literature and Art), ISSN:2394-4617, Today Publication, Chennai.
Jun-2016 Seviyal Ilakia Predikal: Artrupadi Noolgalum Penpal Klaigargallum, Today Ithazh (International Journal), Journal-12, ISSN:2349-1914, Today Publication, Chennai.
Jun-2017 Cevikal Varalatru Aavanam: Nalayar Muthal Pathippin Thevai Munvaithu, GNJMDR, Vol.-4, ISSN.2277-1409, Guru Nanak College, Chennai.
Jun-2015 Tamil Prapandha Marabil Parathiyar Maalai: Aaivu Pathipputhevaiyai Munvaithu,Today Ithazh (International Journal) ISSN:2349-1914.Today Publication, Chennai.
Jul-2012 Sirukathiyin Aalumaigal: Abimani, Mattruveli (ISSN:0976-1667), Parisal Book Publication, Chennai.
Jun-2012 Kalathur Vedhakiri Muthaliyar(1795-1852), Uyaraaivu(Research Journal), Department of Publication, University of Madras, Chennai.
Jun-2011 Tamizh Ilakkathin Iru Noottrandu Ninaivu - Niraivu, Puthiya Panuval (International Journal) ISSN: 0975573x, Vol.3, Kalaikkottam, Chennai.
Ms. M. Selva Rosary Pushpa
Jan-2015 Erium Panikadu Novel Vazhviyal. GNC Multidisciplinary. Volume 3 jan 2015 ISSN No 2277-1409.
Jul-2012 Nattaranaiil Penn, GNC Multidisciplinary Journal Vol.2, GNC, ISSN No. 2277-1409.
Dr. P. Sasireka
Jul-2022 Sila Nerangalil Sila Manitharkal - Jayakanthan;s Expression in the Novel, International Research Journal of Tamil, E-ISSN 2582-1113
Jul-2022 Ideological Principles in Pattinathar Songs, International Journal of Tamil Language and Lirerary Studies, E-ISSN 2581-7140
Dec-2021 Pengalin Vilaiyattil Achangal, Journal of Modern Thamizh Research, ISSN : 2321-984X
April 2022 Ettuthokaiyil Virunthompal Panpu - KG Arts and Science College, International Seminar - ISBN: 976-93-92293-92-4
August 2021 Thirukkural Kuurum Thuuthu, Journal of Modern Thamizh Research, ISSN: 2321-984X
April 2021 The Spiritual Expressions of Dhayumaanavar and Gunangudiyar in Paraparakkanni - International Research Journal of Tamil, E-ISSN 2582-1113
March 2021 Naavayi Gulatheiva Valipaattu Muraikal, Journal of Modern Thamizh Research, ISSN : 2321-984X
Oct 2020 Paravaikal, Vilangukalin Vali Arakkaruthukal - Australia Tamil Elakkiya Kalaimandram, International Conference - ISBN 978-81-930633-6-1(V-1)
July-Sep 2020 Ainthinai Arupathil Penkal, Journal of Classical Thamizh, ISSN 2321-0737
July-Sep 2020 Kulanthaikalin Pallikkuuda Vilaiyaattu Paadalkal, Journal of Modern Thamizh Research ISSN 2321-984X
March 2020 Muththollayirathil Pengalin Nilai –International Institute of Tamil Studies, Chennai. International Seminar - ISBN 978-93-88972-64-2
Feb 2020 Unavil Kadaipidikka Vendiya Aram –PSGR Krishnammal College & Shanlax Publications. International Conference - ISBN9789389658835
Oct 2018 Kurunthokai Kaattum Illara Vazhkkai, An International Journal for Tamil Studies, ISSN 2278-755090
March 2018 Muththollayirathil Bhandiyan - Department of Tamil, Velalar Womens College, Erode. International Seminar - ISBN978-93-86816-83-2
May 2017 Naladiyar Unarthum Vazhviyal Uvamaikal –Departmentof Tamil, D G Vaishnav College, Arumbakkam. International Seminar - ISBN978-81-909327-2-1
Jan 2017 Kurunji Thinaiyil Akrinai Uyirkalin Unavukal - Department of Tamil, Sri Vasavi College, Erode. International Seminar - ISBN 9/8-93-85517-32-7
Feb 2012 Pattina Balaiyil Nerapakuppum Melanmaiyum - Department of Tamil, Arignar Anna Govt Arts College, Namakkal. National Seminar
Dec 2011 Silampil Arasiyal Neri - Department of Tamil, URM Dhanalakshmi College, Trichy. National Seminar - ISBN 93-80243-63-4
March 2011 Tirunchengode Vattara Siruvar Vilaiyatukalil Panaiolai Mattrum Thennangetrin Pangu - Muthamizh Avaiyam, Department of Tamil, Chennai Christen College, Chennai -59. National Seminar - ISBN 978-93-81006-04-7
Feb 2010 Tirunchengode Vattara Sirumiyar Vilaiyatukal - Department of Tamil, Bishop Heber College, Trichy. National Seminar - ISBN: 978-93-80767-03-1
Feb 2006 Bharathiyum Naattuppura Bhadalum - Department of Tamil, Vivekanandha Arts And Science College for Women, Thiruchengodu. National Seminar
Dr. K. Muthupandi
Mar-2017 Dalithiya Varaiyaraikalum Ulmurangalum. Today Ithazh. ISSN No. 2349-1914.
Dr. K. Amaresan
Apr-Jun 2021 Makkal Marabil Pidariyamman Vazhipadu, Journal of Modern Thamizh Research, Issn:2321-984X.
Jun-2019 Thailanthil Boutham, Shanlax (International Journal of Tamil Studies) 2454-3993 (Impact Factor:3.085) UGC Approved Journal No – 40729.
Jan-2016 Prabandha Ilakkiyankalil Samuga Uravukal, Puthuppunal ISSN - 2278-1641.
Oct-2015 Tamil Samuga Varalaru: Thanjai Marattiyar Cheppedukal, Prabandhankal, Chenthalai Kuruvi, ISSN - 2394-4617, Chennai.
Jul-2015 Chennai Manakara Varalaru: Peoples Park College Sindhu, Chenthalai Kuruvi, ISSN - 2394-4617, Chennai.
Jun-2012 Suresh Kumar Indhirajith, Maatruveli,ISSN- 0976-1167, Maatru Publication, Chennai.
Dr. S. Kokila
Apr – Jun 2021 Thai Dheiva Vazhipattil Pechiyamman. Journal of Modern Thamizh Research, ISSN: 2321-984X.
Jun-2019 Kambodiyavil Boutham, Shanlax International Journal of Tamil Studies, 2454-3993 (Impact Factor: 3.085) UGC Approved Journal No - 40729.
Jul-2015 Pathinen Kizhkkanakku Noolkalil Uyirinankal, Today International Journal. (ISSN - 2349 – 1914) Chennai.
Jul-2015 Pathinen Kizhkkanakku Noolkalil Maruthuvam, Senthalai Kuruvi, (2394 - 4617) Chennai.
Dr. M. Shyamala
Nov 2023 Naladiyar Koorum Nilaiyamai pathivugal - E- ISSN : 1481 2991
Nov 2023 Sanga Ilakkiyathil Paalai Thinai Maangal pathivugal - E- ISSN : 1481 2991
Oct 2023 Sanga Ilakkiyangalil Siruthaniyangal pathivugal - E- ISSN : 1481 2991
Oct 2023 Manimegalaiyil Kalvi Murai pathivugal - E- ISSN : 1481 2991
Jun 2023 Agananoortril Varalattru Seithigal pathivugal - E- ISSN : 1481 2991
May 2023 Kavinar.Vairamuthuvin Neeriyal Sinthanaigal pathivugal - E- ISSN : 1481 2991
Apr 2023 Munaivar.Aranga.Malliga - Pen Viduthalai Sinthanaiyalar Dr.Ambethkar Manavar Sangam, Chennai, ISBN 978-91-5811-227-6
Mar 2023 Sanga Ilakkiyathil Iyarkaiyum Isaiyum Maayan International Journal Of Tamil Research-E- ISSN: 2583-0449
Dec 2022 Pathinen Kilkanakkil Maruthuva Sinthanaigal Journal Of Tamil Peraivu - E - ISSN: 2636-946X
Dec 2022 Sanga Kala Magalirin Veera Marabugal Muthukamalam International Tamil -E- ISSN: 2454 1990
Nov 2022 Natrinaiyil Selvaugalungal Muthukamalam International Tamil - E- ISSN: 2454 1990
Oct 2022 Thalattu Padalgalil Thozhilgal Muthukamalam International Tamil - E- ISSN: 2454 1990
Sep 2022 Pallu ilakkiyathil uzhavu pathivugal - E- ISSN : 1481 2991
Aug 2022 Kambaramayanam koorum valviyal pathivugal - E- ISSN : 1481 2991
Jun 2022 Penniya Nokkil Kannagi Chenkaantal, Vol 1, Spl 1 (2), E-ISSN - 2583-0481
Jun 2022 Natrinaiyil ooru peyargal pathivugal - E- ISSN: 1481 2991
Jan 2022 Silampil Panpadu Chenkaantal, Vol 1, Spl 1 (2), E-ISSN - 2583-0481
Jan 2022 Sanga Ilakkiyathil Thalaiviyin Karppu Vazhai International Journal Of Tamil Language And Literary Studies, E- ISSN .2581 7140.
Jan 2022 Sanga Kala Magalirin Veera Marapugal Muthukamalam International Tamil \, vol.16, E- ISSN: 2454 1990
Jan 2022 Periyapuranathil neithal thinai karupporutgal Shanlax International Journal Of Tamil Studies, ISSN :2454-3993
Aug 2021 Valluvathil Panpaadu, Journal Of Modern Thamizh Research, ISSN : 2321 - 984x.
Jul 2021 Purananootril vaniyal, Journal Of Modern Thamizh Research, Jul 2021 ISSN : 2321 - 984x.
Jun 2021 Kurinji Nila Makkalin Samayal Kalai, Agaval- International Monthy E- Journal.
Mar 2021 Pen Theiva Vazhipatil Angalamman, Journal Of Modern Thamizh Research, No.2, ISSN : 2321 - 984x.
Jan 2020 Sanga Elakkiyam Koorum Parathaiyargal, Ayidha Ezhuthu An International Journal Of Tamil Studies, Vol.3, ISSN. 2278 - 7550.

Department of Hindi

Month & Year Title of the Paper / Article
Dr. Dolly
Dec-16 Kavitray aur dhoomil ka naitik evam moolya vightan sandarbh, Shodh Sindhu/ ISSN:24545902
Jan-Mar-2018 'Chinta' ki prateekatmakta aur Bhaashik Soundarya/ Sankalya/ ISSN:22779264
Jan-Jun-2020 Jeevant sansmarno ke chitere:Dr.Balshauri Reddy/ Sankalya/ ISSN:22779264
Dr. Swati Paliwal.
Oct-2019 Ikkisavin Sadi ke Sahitya mei hashiye ka samaj, Navjagran Prakashan, Sector-11, Dwaraka, New Delhi. ISBN-978-93-88640-54.
Mar-2017 Lok sahitya mein Dalit nari Vidroh:Yadevendra Sharma Chandr ki kahaniyon Ke Paripreksha Mein, Lok sahitya Evam sanskriti Ek Vimarsh ISBN-978-81-932362-8-4.
Oct-2016 Kabira Khada Bazar Mein: Rajnaitik Prasangita, Antim teen Dashakon ke Hindi Natakon ke vividh Paridrashya, Satyasheelta Gyanalaya,Mylapore, Chennai ISBN-978-93-81992-24-1.
Jun-2016 Hindi katha Sahitya ka Samkaleen pariderashya: Laingik Gatisheelata aur Pakshapat, Gender Dynamics: EvolvingSynergies, ICSSR & UBCHEA, ISBN-978-93-85374-41-8.
Jun-2015 Kabir ke Kavya mein Sampreshanshelata, GNJMDR-Guru Nanak Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (Bi-annual), ISSN:2277-1409 Volume 3, No. 2.
Jun-2014 Yashpal ke Katha Sahitya Mei Samajik Chetna, GNJMDR-Guru Nanak Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (Bi-annual) ISSN:2277-1409 Volume 3, No. 1.
Jun-2014 Bharat Bhushan's "AGNILEEK": A poetry of Changing Values, GNJMDR-Guru Nanak Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (Bi-annual) ISSN:2277-1409 Volume-3, No.1.
Oct-2010 Hindi Upanyason mei Vivaha ke prati Badalati Dharana, Research Link, Issue-79, Vol-IX (8), ISSN-0973-1628.
Oct-2010 Hindi Upanyason mei Nari Shashaktikaran, Shodh Samiksha Aur Mulyankan. Vol-II, Issue-21, ISSN 0974-2832.
Dr. Anita Patil
Dec-2020 Maharashtra Main Hindi ka Varchasva. Bhivani Shodh Path. Gugan Ram Educational & Social Welfare Society, ISBN 978-93-89047-27-1.
Apr-2019 Sumitra Nandan Pant ke Kavya mein graminon ki dasha, Ek Aur Antareep Manav mukti ko samarpit, Mudrak Premkrushan sharma Prakashak, ISSN: 2278-6066.
Sep-2016 Alma Kabutari Mein Kabutara Jati ka Shaikshika Sangharsha, Hindi Sahitya Mein Aadiwasi Vimarsh - ISBN: 978-81-932362-3-9.
Sep-2016 Dwitiya Bhasha Hindi Aur Vyavasay ki Abhiprerna, Proceedings of the International Multilingual conference. ISBN: 978-81-930475-9-0.
May-2015 Rajbhasha Hindi ke Prati Aatmvishvas Vishwa Patal Par Hindi - ISBN:978-81-89092-49 -8.
Jan-2012 Samrekha-Vishamrekha Mein Aadarshvadi Aur Svabhimani Nari, Hindi Natakon Me Lok Chetana - ISBN: 978-81-932362-4-6.
2019 Sant Shree gyaneshwar, Dharm Sahitya ke Vividh Aayamon ki Prasangikata, Todays Publisher, ISSN2394-4277.
2019 Urmila Shirish ki kahani Peelee Dhaatu me Aadivasi Vimarsh, Ikkisavin Sadi ke Sahitya Me Hashiye Ka Samaj, Navjagaran Prakashan, ISBN: 978-93-88640-54-1.
2017 Teen Pidhiyon ka Sangharsh : Pesha, Antim Teen Dashak Ke Hindi Natak, Today Publis , chepauk,Chennai-5 - ISBN : 978-93-81992-24-1
2017 Bhoutikta, Bajarvaad Our Parivarik Vikhandan Ka Jeeta Jagata Udaharn: ‘DOUDH’ - Lok Sahitya Evam Sanskriti: Ek Vimarsh, ISBN:978-81-932362-8-4.
Ms. Guria Choudhary
Aug- Sep 2020 Hindi kavitaon main Anagat prampra. Nayi Dhara (UGC Listed.).
Jun-2020 Dr. Sheyoraj singh bechain ki Rachnao main Dalit samaj ki yatharthparak stithi. Aryavart Sodh vikas patrika, An International peer reviewed, Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol.-13, ISSN No. 2347-2944.
Jan-Mar 2020 Dr. Sheyoraj singh bechain ki Rachna evam patrakarita ke kendra main Dalit. Bohal Sodh Manjusha, An International peer reviewed,Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol.-11, ISSN No. 2395-7115.
Dec-2019 Meri patni aur Bhediya main Dalit jaarsatta. Aryavart Sodh vikas patrika, An International peer reviewed,Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol.-11, ISSN No. 2347-2944.
2018 Dakshin Bharat Evam Videshon main Hindi bhasha ka Swarup. Aryavart Sodh vikas patrika, An International peer reviewed, Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol.-12, ISSN No. 2347-2944.


Dr. N.Praveen Kumar, Dept. Of Tamil GAS, recognized and received felicitations from the Honourable Governor of Tamil Nadu, for his translation works specifically for translation of Guru Granth Sahib verses into Tamil on December 11, 2024, at Raj Bhavan, as part of the commemoration of Mahakavi Bharathiar's Birth Anniversary.

தமிழக அரசு நடத்திய ஆதி கலைக்கோல் நிகழ்வில் முனைவர் சக்திவேல் பங்கேற்று சிறப்பித்தமைக்கு நினைவுப் பரிசு வழங்கி சிறப்பித்தார் மாண்புமிகு அமைச்சர் திரு.மதிவேந்தன் அவர்கள் மற்றும் மாண்புமிகு.அமைச்சர் திருமதி கயல்விழி அவர்கள்.

Dr Murthi, Assoc. Professor & Head , Tamil (GAS), received Aasiriyar Chemmal Award on September 5 during an event organised by Tamilnadu Tamil Research Centre & Kovai Krishna Sweets at Former President Dr Radhakrishnan's House.

Ms N Krithika & Ms Dyana K , Asst. Prof, Foundation English, presented papers in UAE International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation - 2024 at Westford University, Dubai and received the Best Paper Presenters Award

Department of Tamil

Month & Year Award Details
Dr. M. Shyamala
Sep 2023 NALLASIRIYAR VIRUTHU 2023 Anbe Iraivan Foundation
Sep 2023 BEST TEACHER AWARD 2023 Thamizh Thaai Foundation
Sep 2023 DESATHIN OLI SUDAR Pasumai Vasal Foundation Dindugal
Aug 2023 SIRANTHA THAMIZH ASIRIYAR Thamizh Thaai Foundation
May 2023 KAVINAYAM SUDAR MANI Pasumai Vasal Foundation Dindugal
Apr 2023 ARIVAR VIDI VELLI Pasumai Vasal Foundation Dindugal, Tamilnadu Panaimaram Kakkum Pathukappu Eyakkam, Kanyakumari,Sree Success Academy Aathur,Theiviga Tamil Arakattai & Ulaga Chemmozhi Payilaranga Mandram, Kovai.
Dec 2022 VAJRA KODI MANI Pasumai Vasal Foundation Dindugal, Tamilnadu Panaimaram Kakkum Pathukappu Eyakkam, Kanyakumari,Sree Success Academy Aathur,Theiviga Tamil Arakattai & Ulaga Chemmozhi Payilaranga Mandram, Kovai
Oct 2022 MEINANAM OLI SEMMAL Pasumai Vasal Foundation Dindugal, Tamilnadu Panaimaram Kakkum Pathukappu Eyakkam, Kanyakumari,Sree Success Academy Aathur,Theiviga Tamil Arakattai & Ulaga Chemmozhi Payilaranga Mandram, Kovai
Oct 2022 KALVI SUDAR MANI Pasumai Vasal Foundation Dindugal, Tamilnadu Panaimaram Kakkum Pathukappu Eyakkam, Kanyakumari,Sree Success Academy Aathur,Theiviga Tamil Arakattai & Ulaga Chemmozhi Payilaranga Mandram, Kovai
Sep 2022 ARIVU OOTRU ALUMAI Pasumai Vasal Foundation Dindugal, Tamilnadu Panaimaram Kakkum Pathukappu Eyakkam, Kanyakumari,Sree Success Academy Aathur,Theiviga Tamil Arakattai & Ulaga Chemmozhi Payilaranga Mandram, Kovai
Jul 2022 KALVI MAMANI Pasumai Vasal Foundation Dindugal, Tamilnadu Panaimaram Kakkum Pathukappu Eyakkamn, Kanyakumari,Kamarajar Ilainar Valarchi Peravai, Kanniyakmari,Sree Success Academy Aathur,Tamilnadu Panai Maram Kakkum Pathukappu Iyakkam, Kumari Mavattam
Jun 2022 SEMMOZHI SUDAR KALAINAR Pasumai Vasal Foundation Dindugal, Tamilnadu Panaimaram Kakkum Pathukappu Eyakkam, Kanyakumari,Sree Success Academy Aathur,Theiviga Tamil Arakattai & Ulaga Chemmozhi Payilaranga Mandram, Kovai
Apr 2022 SEMMOZHI THENTRAL Pasumai Vasal Foundation Dindugal, Tamilnadu Panaimaram Kakkum Pathukappu Eyakkamn, Kanyakumari,Saraswathi Serittapul Trust, Salem,Agni Kunjugal Arakkattalai, Thanjavur
Mar 2022 MOZHI SEMMAL Aram Anbin Arakkattalai
Mar 2022 SEMMOZHI SELVAR Pasumai Vasal Foundation Dindugal, Tamilnadu Panaimaram Kakkum Pathukappu Eyakkamn, Kanyakumari,Subam Education Trust Dindugal,Kamban Kazhagam, Krishnagiri
Feb 2022 OLI VILAKKU Pasumai Vasal Foundation Dindugal,Subam Kalvi Arakkatalai, Dinfugal,Sree Success Academy Aathur,Tamilnadu Panai Maram Kakkum Pathukappu Iyakkam, Kumari Mavattam
Jan 2022 KURAL SEMMAL Pasumai Vasal Foundation Dindugal, Seevakarunyam Events, Chennai, Vitamin Glulobus, Srivilliputhur, Matruthiranali & Petror Nala Sangam, Ekattuthangal, Chennai
Nov 2021 NANARATHAM SARAL Pasumai Vasal Foundation Dindugal, Tamilnadu Panaimaram Kakkum Pathukappu Eyakkamn, Kanyakumari, Agni Pengal Tamil Sangam, Thiruvannamalai, Seevakarunyam Events, Chennai
Sep 2021 PERASIRIYAR MAMANI 2021 London Tamil Mozhi Kalai Kazhagam,London & Kurinji Kapilar Tamil Sangam, Namakkal.
May 2021 ILAM ARINAR 2021 Porunai Ilakkiya Kalam, Tamil Nilam Arakkattalai & Nangal Arakkatala, Chennai
Oct 2020 ARUL JOTHI Vishva Sivanatham Arrakkatalai & Painthamil Elakkiya Peravai, Vadamathi Mangal
Oct 2020 ARANERI SUDAR Australia Tamil Elakiya Mandram & Kovai Kamatchi Aadeenam & Thamizhaiya Kalvi Kazhagam, Avvai Arakkattalai, Avvai Kottamm Thiruvaiyaru-613204

Department of English

Title of the Projects Funding Agency Amount Type Status Duration Sanctioned Year Investigator
Ideology of Mahatma Gandhi As Delineated in Modern Tamil Novels Central Institute of Indian Languages 30,000 Short Term study Grant (Minor) Completed 1 year 2020 Dr. M. Aneez

Department of Tamil

Title of the Projects Funding Agency Amount Type Status Duration Sanctioned Year Investigator
Digitization of the Palm Leaf Manuscripts and Ancient Tamil Works University of Madras, Chennai 6000 Minor Completed 1 year 03.01.2008 Dr. Devaraj
Exploring the Primitive Epistemology and Ethnic Science of Tamils through Classical texts UGC 609600 Major Completed 2 years 01.07.2012 Dr. K. Jayaseelan

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